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Cirencester Deer Park School

Cirencester Deer Park School

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Year 9s in Westminster

Year 9 History and English trip to Westminster

On Tuesday 28 January 2025, thirty Year 9 pupils had an early start to their day, waiting in the dark at school for our transport to London. When it arrived, we were amazed to see it was a Gloucester Rugby team coach! With a quick briefing from the driver, we were on our way to the Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey.

We arrived at the Palace of Westminster, which (to some pupils’ surprise) had high security, ready for our 9.15am start. Passing through the airport-style security and splitting into two groups, we began our tour. The iconic Palace of Westminster on the bank of the Thames is the meeting place of the UK Parliament. It is commonly called the Houses of Parliament after the House of Commons and the House of Lords, the two legislative chambers in the building.

We were taken through to the Victoria Tower, the tallest tower in the Palace of Westminster, and learnet about previous monarchs and the purpose of the Palace of Westminster. Next, we went to the Robing Room, where the Chair of State (Queen Victoria’s 19th century throne) still sits; the room is used by the monarch for the State Opening of Parliament - it is here that the monarch puts on the Imperial State Crown and ceremonial robes before making their way to the House of Lords. There is a facsimile of the Magna Carta, which we were pleased to see that our pupils recognised.

Year 9 westminster - parliament trip
St Stephen's Hall
Year 9 westminster - parliament trip
Westminster Hall
Year 9 westminster - parliament trip
St Stephen's Hall
Year 9 westminster - parliament trip
War Memorial Window

The tour continued, with information about current Bills that the House of Lords and House of Commons are discussing, from football to agriculture to the House of Lords itself. At this stage, our pupils realised how much reading is involved in the making of one small law.

The highlight for some was walking into the House of Lords Chamber; this space is coloured with red and gold and the intricate detail on the royal throne (for the annual speech) was something to behold. Our tour continued into the House of Commons Chamber, which had a similar layout, but a different colour scheme and less formal.

When the tour ended, our pupils split into groups and completed a round-robin with six Lords and Baronesses. Our pupils were commended on their manners and behaviour and for asking insightful questions to find out more information about the role of a Lord or the person they were speaking with, one of whom was Lord Robert Winston, whom we welcomed to Deer Park back in 2018.

Year 9 westminster - parliament trip

Year 9 westminster - parliament trip

Year 9 westminster - parliament trip

Year 9 westminster - parliament trip

During this time, we found out about the possibility of going into the gallery of the House of Commons to watch a live debate. We split into two groups and witnessed MPs debate recent topics that link to justice (the Southport stabbings and acts of discrimination towards women).

After leaving the Houses of Parliament, we crossed the road to the stunning Westminster Abbey, which, like the Palace of Westminster, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. We quickly learned that the Abbey is not just a church but a place of history and worship.

We were all amazed, not only by the size of the Abbey, but also by the detailing; from the Gothic architecture to intricate stone carvings, the Abbey is beautiful inside and out. Inside it felt like walking through British history with the countless memorials, tombs, and plaques dedicated to famous figures.

Pupils took a self-guided tour, focusing on the Grave of the Unknown Warrior and Poets' Corner. More than 100 world-famous poets and writers are buried or remembered in Poet's Corner, for example, William Shakespeare, Jane Austen, Charles Dickens and the Brontë sisters. Pupils were able to make links to their previous Year 8 curriculum as well as upcoming topics.

Pupils were given information about the different coronations that have taken place in the Abbey, as well as the funerals and different tombs belonging to famous scientists and monarchs. A highlight for some was the opportunity to light a candle to remember a loved one and have a period of reflection.

"It was fantastic to see our pupils engaging with the Lords. They all asked great questions and the staff running the sessions commended their maturity. The tour of Parliament was a highlight and it was great to hear our pupils making links to their previous History lessons, one even remembered the date the Magna Carta was signed. I was very proud of our amazing young people." Miss Perry

Year 9 westminster history english trip

“A really interesting day, informative and inspiring.”  Meghan

“I enjoyed talking to Lord Winston, an expert in Biology.” Ben

“Amazing experience, once in a lifetime.” Rudi

Year 9 westminster history english trip

“Unforgettable experience! It was great to get the opportunity to see a debate in the House of Commons.” Milo

“Really fun and the whole experience was great. We learnt a lot talking to the Lords and Baronesses.” Amelia

Miss Flint, English teacher