As an all ability comprehensive School, we fundamentally believe that all pupils should be entered for national examinations in the courses they have followed up to the age of 16. The flexibility within our curriculum structure at Key Stage 4 enables pupils to follow appropriate courses and us to enter them for examinations at different times.
The school will bear the cost of all exam entries for courses which are being studied at the school (excluding music instrument and/or theory exams). The school reserves the right to pass the cost of exam entries to parents where the pupil has failed to undertake their studies towards the exam or fails to attend the exam without good reason.
Revision Timetable
The sooner pupils start revising for exams the better. Little and often is best. Our concise Year 11 Revision Timetable is below. We offer all sorts of additional revision materials and sessions and Year 11 pupils should take advantage of these additional learning opportunities whenever they can.
Exam Timetables
Pupils in Key Stage 4 who are entered for external exams will receive an individual timetable for their exams. If you have any questions about exam entries or the exam policies shown below, please contact exams@deerparkschool.net.
Important Information
We would like to make you aware of some important information regarding controlled assessments and examinations, and we encourage all parents/carers of Year 10 and Year 11 pupils to carefully study the documents linked below, to ensure that Candidates can achieve their very best. Candidates will receive this information via their school email.
The Information for Candidates Written Examinations and On-screen Tests (effective from 1 September 2024) and Warning to Candidates documents contain the rules for all pupils attending all external exams. These rules apply to all pupils in all external exams. We also expect all pupils to follow these rules for their Mock exams. The Non Examined Assessments explains how pupils should prepare any coursework, ensuring that they stay within the rules regarding assistance and plagiarism. The Internal Appeals Procedures explains the school's internal process in the event that a pupil or parent wishes to appeal against the procedures used in internal assessment of exam work.
Please make time to read these and discuss with your son/daughter. We expect all exam candidates to know and adhere strictly to the rules. The Exams Boards will routinely disqualify candidates who break the rules. We hope that such action will not be necessary.
Useful Links
Exam Boards and Codes
For 2024/2025
Subject | Codes | Board |
Art | 8201 | AQA |
Biology | 8461 | AQA |
Chemistry | 8462 | AQA |
Combined Science | 8464 | AQA |
Design & Tech | 8552 | AQA |
Drama | 8261 | AQA |
English Language and Literature | 8700 / 8702 | AQA |
ELC English | 5973 | AQA |
ELC Maths | 5930 | AQA |
German | 8668 | AQA |
History | 8145 | AQA |
Physical Education | 8582 | AQA |
Physics | 8463 | AQA |
Spanish | 8698 | |
Textiles | 8204 | AQA |
Maths | 1MA1 | Pearson |
Music | 1MU0 | Pearson |
Statistics | 1ST0 | Pearson |
Additional Maths | 6993 | OCR |
Child Development CAM NAT | J809 | OCR |
Creative iMedia CAM NAT | J834 | OCR |
Enterprise & Marketing CAM NAT | J837 | OCR |
Geography | J384 | OCR |
Sports and Media CAM NAT | J829 | OCR |
Food Prep and Nutrition | C560P1 | Eduqas |
ICT (voc Tech Award) | 5539QA | Eduqas |
RP (Short Course) | C125P4 | Eduqas |
RP (Full Course) | C120P4 | Eduqas |
ASDAN Cope | ASDAN | Other |
NCFE Music Tech | V Cert | Other |
Exam Results
GCSE Results Day for Summer 2025 examinations is TBC. Information regarding collection of results on that day will be confirmed closer to the time; it is likely that the Class of 2025 will be invited to collect their results from 09:15 at the front of school.
Our Pupil Progress and Attainment Information can be found under Policies and Reports - see Reports. You can check our exam results and other Government school performance data on Performance Data.
Exams Statutory Documents:
Information for candidates.