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Cirencester Deer Park School

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February 2016

In February 2016 pupils enjoyed the first of many international opportunities available to those at Deer Park. As 2016 ends, the ability to appreciate, value and respect different cultures, religions and languages seems more crucial to pupils in modern Britain.

Listening to other people’s points of view, sharing ideas, seeing different places and ways of life, gaining knowledge and understanding of another country's culture and heritage underpin our school's international programme and partnerships. We are very proud of our international work and the contribution our curriculum areas make to ensuring that ‘our pupils are self-confident, tolerant and responsible’.  We are currently applying for re-designation by the British Council International Schools programme and are awaiting feedback on our application. 

On our website this year:

  1. In February, Model United Nations Alfrink, Holland
  2. Also in February, GCSE Trip to Berlin
  3. In May, Private Peaceful Trip to Belgium
  4. In June, Mock EU Referendum
  5. Also in June, Spanish Exchange Visitors
  6. In July, German Visitors from Cirencester's twin town Itzehoe (Summer 2016 Newsletter)
  7. Also in July, Enrichment Week trips to France, Holland and Iceland
  8. In September, Spanish Exchange Return Trip
  9. Also in September, Languages Faculty in Focus
  10. In October, Ghana 2017 Fundraising
  11. In November, Visitors from Kobe University Secondary School in Japan

In 2017 we look forward to visits to MUNA (February), Berlin (February), Ghana (April) and France, Holland and Germany (Enrichment Week in July).