Year 9 Duke of Edinburgh
We have launched the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award to our Year 9 pupils.
By doing your DofE, you're in for an amazing adventure and masses of fun as you take part in a range of activities, all leading to the achievement of an Award that's recognised by universities and employers alike.
The award requires a considerable degree of individual commitment and self-motivation. It is not to be taken lightly and requires dedication, hard work and the ability to meet deadlines throughout the year.
The application window for our Year 9 Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award, taking place 2016-2017, has closed. There are only 56 places available and pupils needed to apply asap as we select on a first come, first served basis. We are pleased to report that we very quickly reached our optimum number of participants, plus reserves.
There is more information on iDeer or email Mr Reed, Assistant Pastoral Team Leader.