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Cirencester Deer Park School

Cirencester Deer Park School

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Mobile Phone Ban

Change to school policy on mobile phones

As Co-Headteachers we have been pleased with the smooth start our pupils have made to the academic year, and look forward to working with both our pupils and parents/carers over the coming year, working on the strong foundations the school has already created.

no phonesWe wanted to inform you about an important change in our school policy that we believe will significantly enhance your child’s educational experience. Starting from Monday 16 September 2024, the use of mobile phones will be banned across the school site between 8:45am and 3:25pm, both indoors and outdoors. This is not a significant change to the current policy, however the decision has not been made lightly. We have taken careful consideration of the impact of mobile phones on pupils' academic performance, social interactions, and overall wellbeing. We have spoken to all pupils during their year group assembly regarding the changes we are implementing.

Why Are We Implementing This Ban?

Our primary goal as educators is to create an environment that fosters learning, personal growth, and meaningful social interactions. Over the past few years, it has become increasingly clear that mobile phones can hinder these objectives in several ways:

  • Distraction from Academic Work – Numerous studies have shown that mobile phones can be a significant source of distraction for pupils. A study conducted by the London School of Economics found that pupils in schools with phone bans performed better on exams. The presence of mobile phones diverts attention away from lessons and reduces pupils' ability to concentrate on their work. By removing this distraction, we aim to enhance pupils' focus and improve their academic outcomes.
  • Impact on Social Interactions – School is not just a place for academic learning; it is also where young people develop crucial social skills and build friendships. However, the pervasive use of mobile phones has been shown to negatively affect face-to-face interactions. Instead of engaging with their peers, many pupils are often absorbed in their devices, which can lead to feelings of isolation and hinder the development of essential interpersonal skills. By banning phones during school hours, we hope to encourage pupils to be more present in their interactions, fostering stronger friendships and a more connected school community.
  • Exposure to Social Media – Social media can be a double-edged sword, offering both positive and negative experiences. While it can be a platform for expression and connection, it is also a significant source of stress, anxiety, and cyberbullying. By limiting phone use during the school day, we aim to reduce pupils' exposure to these harmful aspects of social media, creating a safer and more supportive school environment.

What Does This Mean for Pupils?

Under the new change, pupils are expected to keep their phones turned off and stored in their lockers or bags from 8.45am, when the first bell goes, until 3.25pm, the end of the school day. This policy will apply both inside classrooms and in outdoor areas across the whole school site. We understand that some pupils may feel anxious about not being able to access their phones for the duration of the school day, but we believe this is a necessary step to help them focus on their studies and social development.

Please be assured that any child who has to access their phone for diagnosed medical reasons, such as monitoring blood sugar levels, will still be allowed access to their phone as they currently are.

How Will This Be Enforced?

Teachers and staff will be vigilant in ensuring that pupils adhere to this change. If a pupil is found using their phone (and/or airpods) during school hours, the device will be confiscated and returned at the end of the day. Repeat offences may result in further sanctions.

Supporting Your Child Through This Change

We recognise that this change may require an adjustment period, both for pupils and parents. To support your child with this change, please talk to them about the reasons behind the phone ban and how it can benefit their education and social life. Help them understand that this is not a punishment, but a way to help them succeed in school. For you as parents you can phone the school reception should you need to get a message to your child during the school day. As the ban is effective from 8.45am your child will still be able to let you know that they have arrived in school if that is the routine you have established with them.  Should your child feel unwell during the school day they need to go to the Welfare Office and a member of staff will contact you should they need to.

We are confident that this change will have a positive impact on our pupils' academic performance, social skills, and overall well-being. By reducing distractions and encouraging more meaningful interactions, we are taking a step towards creating an even more focused, supportive, and engaged school community.

Our Class of 2024 achieved an impressive set of GCSE results this summer, and our pupils’ behaviour was commended in our most recent Ofsted Report (January 2023), but together, we can help our pupils make the most of their time at school and prepare them for even greater success in all aspects of their lives.

We appreciate your support as we implement this change. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

Helen Charlesworth and Liz Lang, Co-Headteachers