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Cirencester Deer Park School

Cirencester Deer Park School

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Leadership update

Message from Trust Lead and Chair of Local Governing Body, 14 June 2024

We congratulate Richard Clutterbuck, Headteacher, on his appointment to the post of Head of Strategic Partnerships at Bromcom, a post he plans to take up in September 2024. This week he has been sharing his news with pupils and the reasons behind his decision:

‘I think it is only right to elaborate a little more on my decision. The opportunity I have accepted is one that, after careful consideration, I had to accept. It has arisen at a time that suits my professional and personal circumstances. I will be working in a sector I am passionate about. The role is within the education technology sector, but it is outside of teaching. I never thought that after 29 years of being a teacher I would leave teaching, let alone Deer Park. In my mind, this school and this role were to see me through the last chapters of my professional life. However, as the old adage goes, 'never say never'.’ Richard Clutterbuck, Headteacher.

As a member of the Corinium Education Trust, Cirencester Deer Park School is in very safe hands. Chiquita Henson, Trust Lead (CEO), who was previously Headteacher at the school from 2003-2022, is working closely with Trustees, members of the school’s Local Governing Body and school Staff to put a robust transition plan in place following Headteacher Richard Clutterbuck’s decision to leave education and pursue his interest in EdTech in the commercial sector.

‘We are currently working on a solution for the leadership of the school from September 2024 and we are aiming to share the outcome of this process by Friday 28 June 2024. It has been an absolute privilege to work so closely with the school’s leadership team again. They remain committed to the school’s enduring ethos and values, and they are well supported by staff and those involved in the school’s governance. All staff have been tremendous. Characteristically, they are focused on the school’s core purpose and I am grateful to them for continuing with business as usual.’ Chiquita Henson, Trust Lead (CEO), Corinium Education Trust

Richard Clutterbuck is still in post and he, alongside members of his leadership team, are looking forward to welcoming prospective pupils and their parents during the school’s Year 5 Open Mornings from Monday 17 June and the school’s new Year 7 pupils to their Induction Days on Thursday 11 and Friday 12 July. They are also excited about the additional opportunities planned for pupils this term, including Sports Day and the range of Enrichment Week activities taking place in school, locally and abroad.

Richard Clutterbuck reflects ‘Deer Park is a wonderful place to work and a wonderful place to be educated. I can testify to both as Headteacher and as a parent to two children, both of whom have flourished here. There is no doubt that the timing of my appointment to a new post is far from ideal for the school, yet in a very short space of time the Trust and Deer Park have embraced my news and turned it into an opportunity to further strengthen the school.’

Rachel Brindley, Chair of Governors, congratulates Richard Clutterbuck: ‘We would like to thank Richard for his leadership, commitment and dedication to the entire school community over the last four years, particularly as Headteacher in the last two years. It has been a pleasure working with him. We are sorry to see him go and, as he prepares to embark on life outside the teaching profession, we wish him all the very best in his new career.’