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GCSE PE at Uni of Bath

University of Bath trip for Year 11 pupils

On Tuesday 11 June 2024, Miss Robinson, Miss Blacker and Mr Schlaefli took 47 (new) Year 11 pupils to the University of Bath on a GCSE PE revision trip.

uni of bath logoLeaving Cirencester Deer Park School at 9am, we arrived at the University of Bath at just after 10am and met our lead Sports Scientist for the day. Walking across the campus, pupils could get a feel for the campus and help to understand how a university is set up, although the site was pretty quiet as students had finished university for the year. However, the sports facilities were still busy with athletes training, including Olympians and potential Olympians training for Paris.

For the majority of the day, pupils were split into 3 groups and rotated around different activities. Two of the groups did Fitness Testing in one of the indoor training facilities. The tests included Sit and Reach, Sprint Test, Counter Movement Jump, Grip Test (testing both right and left side), Agility Run (testing both right and left side) and finishing with the Yo Yo Test (similar to a Bleep Test) in the university's large sports hall. Whilst two groups were completing their fitness tests, the other group did a tour looking at all the sporting facilities and the way that sports facilities can be adapted for other sports. On this tour pupils were lucky enough to come across two Gold Medal Olympic swimmers, Tom Dean and Freya Anderson, both of whom will be competing in Paris this year.

GCSE PE trip to University of Bath

GCSE PE trip to University of Bath

GCSE PE trip to University of Bath

GCSE PE trip to University of Bath

GCSE PE trip to University of Bath

GCSE PE trip to University of Bath

GCSE PE trip to University of Bath

GCSE PE trip to University of Bath

In the afternoon, pupils were walked across campus in the sunshine to one of the lecture theatres where they learnt more about university life at Bath and the sports facilities on offer. Some of our young people are starting to think about the range of sporting careers that might be available to them and the different directions in which they could go.

We looked at individual differences in relation to sport and fitness components. These topics need to be understood for their exam and a lot of practical examples were given that they can use in their answers.

Overall, the trip was a great success, and we hope that our (new) Year 11s will be able to refer back to this trip when in their GCSE exams in Summer 2025. The experience should help support their answers. Our thanks to the University of Bath.

GCSE PE trip to University of Bath

'We were really impressed by the facilities and excited that we were able to use them.' Evie S and Holly W

'Taking part in all the fitness tests was great. We got to do some tests we don't do at school in some impressive facilities.' Michael BW

'I was amazed to see the number of students that went to Bath University who have now gone on to become professional athletes. The Hall of Fame really inspired me to push myself harder.' Isabelle N

Miss Robinson, Assistant Head of PE