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Cirencester Deer Park School

Religious Philosophy

In Religious Philosophy we encourage our pupils to reflect upon their own religious or non-religious beliefs and learn about and from others. We want our pupils to be inspired and be challenged.

Find out about each Key Stage in Religious Philosophy:

Key Stage 3 Religious Philosophy 

When the pupils join us in YEAR 7 we examine What is Religion? This is a logical starting point for our pupils in their Religious Philosophy education. Pupils then go to study People of the Old Testament; pupils examine in a chronological order the impact that key figures including Abraham, Ruth and David had on the people of that time. The next unit of study is Symbolism through Judaism, followed by discovering how a religion teaches key morals in the unit Equality, tolerance and respect through a Sikh perspective. This provides an opportunity to prepare children and young people for life in modern Britain. Pupils are given time to reflect upon their own attitudes towards moral living.

At the start of YEAR 8 pupils examine the impact of Spirituality through different mediums including Art and Music. Autumn term launches What it means to be a Muslim in Britain. Pupils will look at key Islamic teachings and appreciate the difficulties faced by British Muslims following their faith in a non-Muslim country. Pupils will understand the term Islamophobia and consider the impact the media has had in influencing the public. Later in the term pupils are encouraged to question and explore the issue of Suffering from Buddhist and Christian perspectives. Pupils will be encouraged to look at natural and moral suffering with current examples in the media and this will enable them to explore the different arguments surrounding the issue of suffering in the world. Finally, they will look at Christianity and How Religious Beliefs Motivated the Actions of… key individuals such as Oscar Romero and an excellent young example to our young people, Malala Yousafzai, all of whom are notable Nobel Peace Prize winners.

YEAR 9 starts with a unit called 'What is Philosophy'.  Pupils then start studying Eduqas GCSE Religious Studies short Route A. They will sit the GCSE examination when they are in Year 10. We will start the year off with a study of Component 2: Study of Christianity:

  • Beliefs in Britain
  • The nature of God
  • Creation
  • Jesus Christ
  • Salvation
  • The after life.

Then, we will move onto Component 1: Religious, Philosophical and Ethical Studies in the Modern World, Theme 1 Issues of Relationships from a Christian and Jewish perspective with the focus being:

  • Relationships
  • Sexual relationships
  • Issues of equality: gender prejudice and discrimination.

Key Stage 4 Religious Philosophy 

When Year 9 move up into YEAR 10 they will study Component 1: Religious, Philosophical and Ethical Studies in the Modern World, Theme 2 Issues of Life and Death from a Christian and Jewish perspective with the focus being:

  • The world
  • The origin and value of human life
  • Beliefs about death and the afterlife.

Then finally, we will complete the course with Component 3: Study of a World Faith which is Jewish beliefs and teachings:

  • The nature of God
  • Messiah
  • Covenant
  • Life on earth
  • The afterlife.

Pupils will sit the short course during the summer term of Year 10.

In Year 11 they move onto Citizenship which is an in-house course.


Edugas (part of WJEC) GCSE Full course Religious Studies Route A

Religious Studies (Philosophy and Ethics) will allow you to consider those controversial issues that are important to you, and will help you go through your life showing tolerance and understanding to the world around you. All pupils will have started the RP course in Year 9 and most will progress to complete the end of Year 11.

 The units of study

Edugas (part of WJEC) examination board (draft overview).

Paper Unit Key Content Assessment




Religions, philosophical and Ethical Studies in the Modern World

Life and Death

Good and Evil

Human Rights

Written examination: 2 hours

50% of qualification

120 marks




Study of Christianity

Beliefs and teachings


Written examination: 1 hours

25% of qualification




Study of Judaism

Beliefs and teachings


Written examination: 1 hours

25% of qualification

60 marks


In Religious Philosophy in both Key Stage 3 and 4 we want to ensure that our pupils develop spiritually to enable them to reflect on their own beliefs and those of others. We aim to provide opportunities for the use of imagination and to encourage them to be curious about the world around them. Finally, we want to allow time for deeper thought and self-reflection. We want our pupils to be able to recognise how free will can enable them to make the right choices (moral) and socially be part of modern Britain. It is essential that our pupils can understand and show respect for different faiths and cultural diversity through a tolerant attitude.