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Cirencester Deer Park School


The Languages Faculty is committed to developing strong lifelong linguistic skills and broadening pupils' understanding of the world. 

'If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart.'  Nelson Mandela

'If I am selling to you, I speak your language.  If I am buying, dann müssen Sie Deutsch sprechen.' Willy Brandt, German Chancellor

We aim:

  • To instil in all pupils a love for languages and an appreciation of their importance in an increasingly globalized society.
  • To develop in pupils an understanding of cultural aspects of the different languages we teach.
  • To teach pupils to communicate effectively and confidently in the foreign languages. 
  • To equip pupils with the skills needed to become effective language learners.
  • To give pupils a thorough grammar base in the language. 
  • To extend pupils learning experiences through the use of authentic materials and extra-curricular activities.

france flag

Les langues offrent une variété de compétences dans la communication et dans la connaissance d’autres cultures. Elles développent l’inspiration, la confiance et la motivation pour un futur plus prometteur.

spain flag

Los idiomas ofrecen una variedad de competencias en la comunicación y un conocimiento de otras culturas. Desarrollan la inspiración, la confianza y la motivación para un futuro más promisorio.

germany flag

Fremdsprachen bieten sich eine Menge Kompetenzen in den Verständigungen und Kenntnissen anderen Kulturen. Fremdsprachen entwickeln das Vertrauen und Motivation für die Zukunft.

Modern Foreign Languages are a necessary part of a broad and balanced curriculum. Key Stage 3 aims to provide solid foundations for future success.  The ability to understand and communicate in another language is a lifelong skill for education, employment and leisure in this country and throughout the world. Along with learning new topics, reinforcing knowledge every lesson is a key aspect of learning a language and we give pupils plenty of opportunity to practice (including ICT opportunities) and therefore remember key vocabulary. Providing opportunities for cultural understanding is a vital element of language learning. We ensure that each topic contains cultural elements, not limited to France, Germany and Spain, but also the wider Francophone, Hispanic and Germanic world. Pupils need to be able to give justified opinions on all topic areas. Topics such as the environment, healthy living and social issues are all covered in the curriculum. Pupils are expected to listen to each other and respect each other’s views.

Nearly all pupils study a language at Key Stage 3, for some pupils this is one language, others start a second language in Year 8. Although languages are an option at Key Stage 4, pupils are actively encouraged to study a language at GCSE.

We are a dynamic and enthusiastic Faculty and we have a collaborative approach to teaching and learning – we continually build upon our extensive bank of resources (online and kinaesthetic). We continually update our schemes of learning and resources. We endeavour to make learning languages fun and meaningful, providing pupils with opportunities to collaborate with each other and work independently. We aim to challenge pupils by using the target language and encourage the pupils to use it with each other in pair and group work. Both of these elements ensure that pupils are hearing authentic language each time they are in the classroom.

Within the classroom, we emphasise that it is OK to make mistakes and help pupils to learn from them, in particular by using targeted questioning. They develop good communication skills, refine analytical skills, present and narrate information coherently, express and justify points of view and ideas and improve literacy and listening skills.


Pupils also develop ‘active’ revision techniques. We reinforce literacy skills in every lesson through discussions around gender, spellings, and complex grammatical terms. We use a variety of methods to help pupils develop their skills, including redrafting, peer assessment, transcription and translation. We encourage pupils to use a wider range of vocabulary/structures for example using conjunctions, different tenses and adverbs. We use a bank of authentic reading and listening materials to enrich pupil’s cultural awareness. We support the development of numeracy through the use of ICT, the teaching of numbers, time, using different currencies, prices and quantities and through shopping.

Assessment takes place throughout the year. Pupils are assessed through written work in lessons and for homework, regular short tests, as well as through end of module assessments. Each end of module assessment tests pupils’ listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.

In Key Stage 4 we follow the AQA GCSE courses in French, Spanish and German. These are examined at the end of Year 11, with an exam in each of the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Each exam is worth 25% of the final grade. The courses build upon the topic areas studied at Key Stage 3.