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Cirencester Deer Park School

Performance Data

GCSE Results 2023

Congratulations to our Class of 2023 for their GCSE results. So many of our pupils should be delighted with their achievements. They have made their families and our school proud!

  • 70% secured 5 or more standard passes (grades 9-4)
  • 68% secured 5 or more standard passes (grades 9-4) including English and Maths
  • 80% of pupils attained standard passes in English
  • 77% of pupils attained standard passes in Maths
  • 71% attained the ‘basics’ at 9-4 (English and Maths combined)
  • 24% of all grades awarded were the top grades 9-7
  • 35 pupils (17%) achieved 5 or more of the top grades (9-7)
  • 14 pupils secured 8 or more grades 9-7
  • Progress 8 score of 0.34 placing us above average nationally and securing the most progress of non-selective secondary schools across the Cirencester, Tetbury and Stroud landscape.

As the first-year group to achieve their GCSEs with Mr Clutterbuck as their headteacher, he is honoured to be a part of their achievements. Let us not forget the impact the pandemic had on their education from the Spring of 2020 affecting their Key Stage 3, the significant building block for GCSE success. As the examination performance falls back to 2019 levels nationally, our Class of 2023 have achieved above the national measures of 2019 and are broadly in-line with the performance of their Deer Park peers’ results from 2019.

The hallmarks of this year group have been their resilience, determination and positive attitude to hard work, all the ingredients which have led to today’s achievements. Above all, they are a collection of lovely people who are ready to move on to their next stages in life.

Read more about our Exam Results 2023...

Government School Performance Data: