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Cirencester Deer Park School

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LFD Home Testing

Pupils collect home testing kits

Deer Park pupils who have been doing Lateral Flow Device (LFD) tests in school for two weeks have been issued with home test kits after completing their third in-school test during week ending Friday 19 March 2021. Pupils received two boxes of home tests, each box containing 3 tests. Government guidance recommends home testing for participating pupils twice-weekly, three to five days apart. We suggest that the home tests should be done on Sundays (starting Sunday 21 March 2021) and on Wednesdays or Thursdays.  

There is a comprehensive paper guide issued with the kits and Miss Brace, Assistant Head, has recorded easy to follow instructions - see below.

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The BBC video 'Coronavirus testing: How to do a lateral flow test at home' may also be useful.  

"Our thanks to everyone for their support with the In-school testing. We have had a high take up of over 80% in each year group. All of those involved have been positive about taking part."

Miss Brace, Assistant Head


Frequently Asked Questions

When should I do the tests?

Tests should be done twice-weekly. We are asking pupils to test in the evening of Sundays and Wednesdays/Thursdays, starting Sunday 21 March 2021. 

How do I do the tests?

Read the comprehensive paper guide that comes with the test kits, watch Miss Brace's video or the BBC video above.

What do I do with the results?  

Pupils (or their parents on their behalf) must log their LFD test result on (either online or by phone, as set out in the home test kit instructions) AND to school (via the link on RM Unify).  

log your test result

What if I test positive?

If your test shows a positive result, you and the rest of your household will need to self-isolate immediately. Log your LFD test result on (either online or by phone, as set out in the home test kit instructions). You will need to follow the NHS guidance and arrange a PCR test to confirm the result. In addition, with a positive test result, please email Miss Brace asap so that we can start our internal contact tracing.

What if I test negative?

Log your LFD test result on (either online or by phone, as set out in the home test kit instructions) AND school (via the link on RM Unify). Carry on as normal following COVID-safe procedures - if meeting someone, do so outside if possible; social distance; wear a face covering.


What if my test is void?

If your test shows a void/invalid result, please email Miss Brace asap as you will need to do a repeat test.


How long will we have to keep testing? 

Each pupil test kit includes 3 tests and pupils are given two kits i.e. 6 tests. We will be distributing more kits before the Easter break. We are waiting for Government guidance regarding the end date for testing.


'You don't have permission' error message

If you get a 'You don't have permission to view or respond to this form' error message when you click on the 'log your results' link via RM Unify, were you doing it on a device shared with someone else who has a non-school Microsoft account? If so, they will have to sign out of Microsoft before you sign in. Or pupils can simply log on to RM Unify via their own device, e.g. phone, and log the result. 


I didn't do the in-school tests, can I do home tests? 

If you didn’t do the in-school tests, which were done in school to teach pupils how to do the tests, but would like to do the tests at home, email Miss Brace


Where can parents get tests?

All households of school-age children should be able to access free LFD home testing. You can get a twice-weekly test through your employer if they offer testing to employees; at a local rapid lateral flow test site; by collecting a home test kit from a local collection point; or by ordering a home test kit online. Find out more on