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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Intervention Tutors

Introducing our intervention tutors

Over the last fortnight of term (December 2020), our new team of intervention tutors have been involved in training at Cirencester Deer Park School, in preparation for taking on their roles officially in the new year. They have also been working with Mr Clutterbuck, Deputy Head, Miss Lillington, Geography Teacher, and liaising with our Heads of Faculty and they are excited to get started.

‘It has been fantastic working with the new intervention tutors this week. The programme was designed to shape and stimulate thinking around what good tutoring looks like. Through the various sessions we have explored lots of theory on how learning takes place and started to identify some of the tools needed to get the job done. I was wowed by the tutoring framework that the intervention team created and I am confident that they will put it to good use to support our pupils from January onwards.’ Miss Lillington.

Funded through the government’s catch up programme, our intervention tutors will be deployed across all year groups to work directly with pupils identified by their teachers before, during or after the school day. This should be seen as a positive intervention.

Pupils targeted for tuition are those their teachers feel would benefit from one to one or small group support. Assessments will have shown what they know and still need to know and the ‘catch up’ sessions will aim to close these gaps in knowledge, skill and understanding. Mrs Lang, Deputy Head, is coordinating this provision and she has written to parents of those pupils who we believe will benefit from personalised tuition.

Following a national advert which attracted a strong field we have appointed four temporary graduate interns. As intervention tutors they will be working across the curriculum, but primarily in English, Maths, Science and Humanities. They will share their own subject expertise as well as promote the development of key transferrable skills.

We welcome:

Mr Schindler: I am a recent History graduate from the University of Sheffield. My studies focused on twentieth century European History. Away from the classroom, I am an avid follower of sport, particularly cricket, football, and rugby. I still spend Summer Saturday’s standing on a village green chasing a hard leather ball. This is not my first time working with young people. Over the last two years, I have visited many schools to carry out teambuilding days. Also, I spent my gap year working in a school in New Zealand. I am looking forward to getting to know the students of Deer Park and help them succeed after this unprecedented year. 

intervention tutor

Miss McCarten: I am a former Deer Park student and very happy to be back! I recently graduated from the University of Sussex where I studied Geography and International Development and so I will be working in both the Humanities and English Departments. Whilst at university, I was lucky enough to carry out fieldwork in the UAE and spend a year living in Canada which allowed me to put my Geography into practice and deepen my love for the subject. I am very excited to begin working with students and sharing my passion for these subjects in the hope of igniting their love for learning too! I look forward to meeting you all in the New Year! 

intervention tutor

Mr Howitt: Hi! I’m Thomas Howitt. I have always been naturally curious, leading to a love for the sciences and studying Chemistry at the University of Birmingham. At university, I was lucky enough to be part of an outreach program where I helped to design science experiments for Key Stage 3 and 4. Outside of work I enjoy being active and have taken part in a wide variety of team and individual sports. I hope to use the experience I gain from this role to pursue a fulfilling career in teaching.  I look forward to meeting my students and helping them to develop a love for learning whilst working towards their academic goals. 

intervention tutor

Mr Leach: Like many people this year, my plans have been affected by the state of current affairs. I had intended to pursue further study after graduating from Durham University with a first-class BSc in Mathematics, but now find myself in the middle of this great opportunity! In a similar way my path through education was somewhat unplanned; Mathematics was not my favourite subject at school! I hope to dispel some of the “can’t do” stigma the subject carries and support students with the experience that it is perfectly fine to be unsure of “what you want to do”. Aside from my studies I offer private tutoring, play cricket and golf, surf when possible and play guitar pretty badly.

intervention tutor

Our four intervention tutors will be working for us for 12 weeks across terms 3 and 4. This is a reciprocal arrangement and we will be monitoring its impact carefully.

Our pupils will benefit from

  • Personalised tuition tailored to our curriculum and their present studies;
  • Face to face interventions and bespoke support;
  • Working alongside recent graduates, inspirational and positive role models;
  • The additional time and attention given to them and their learning;
  • Improved learning and life chances, including better grades!

Our graduate interns will benefit from

  • Participating in training and become members of our new team;
  • Gaining rich and diverse work experience;
  • Engaging in purposeful and precisely targeted activities;
  • Sharing their specialist knowledge and understanding of how to learn effectively;
  • Seeing the impact of their work in the progress pupils they tutor make;
  • Working flexibly in school and online for around 25 hours a week;
  • Being able to demonstrate the contribution they made to our learners in spite of COVID-19!