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Cirencester Deer Park School

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PE Faculty Round Up

What's been happening in the PE Faculty since September

Our PE Faculty were really pleased to be able to restart Physical Education lessons in person in September 2020 after the home learning period earlier in the year.

Boys' PE

For boys, pupils initially completed Football and Athletics lessons on a rotation up until half term. Both sports were completed outside, followed governing body guidelines and new equipment and hand cleaning rules were introduced to minimise the risk of COVID-19. The boys' changing areas were also moved to the Sports Hall and Gym to allow pupils greater space and more social distancing.

Since October half term pupils have been completing Rugby Union and Table Tennis. Initially we completed rugby lessons following the RFU guidelines focused on touch rugby. In December the guidelines changed to allow tackling, which caused great excitement amongst our pupils.  Table tennis was another good activity to focus on as it adheres to social distancing due to performers being either side of a table. Windows and doors were also kept open during these indoor lessons to ensure air circulation. Again, we successful adopted equipment cleaning protocols for all of these lessons to keep our pupils safe.

Girls' PE

The girls took part in Netball and Athletics up until October half term to give pupils opportunity, whilst the weather was still nice, to enjoy the Summer sports they missed out on at the end of the last academic year due to COVID-19. Similarly to the boys' PE, these activities were played outdoors to minimise the risk and the NGB guidelines for England Netball were followed. This included an extended distance from 3ft to 4ft when face marking and no toss ups being allowed. Each year group had their own set of netballs and these were sanitised at the end of every lesson, as well as the netball bibs being washed after every use. The washing machine is continuously running!

Since half term, the girls have been playing Hockey and Badminton. Badminton has been enjoyed by many and can be played indoors within the NGB guidelines although the doors have been opened to allow appropriate ventilation.  


Niamh in Year 8 said "I have really enjoyed doing badminton in PE this year because it's been fun doing tournaments with my friends. We always wipe the rackets at the end of the lesson and sanitise our hands to keep everyone in school safe. I can't wait for the next term of sports to come because I'm looking forward to doing dance."

Jolly in Year 8 said, “ I have really enjoyed PE. Most of our lessons have been outside and our inside lessons have been socially distanced. My favourite activity is rugby and I am glad to be able to do contact again.”


Inspiring PE stories

Our PE Faculty have been inspired by the following stories this term:

Looking Forward

As we approach the end of 2020 our PE Faculty are looking forward to moving on into 2021 and hope to be able to run extracurricular activities again soon. We will start initially with Young Leader and Games Captain training sessions in the new year and hope to offer a full programme of extra curricular activities when it is safe to do so, including inter tutor tournaments.

In the first half term of 2021 the boys move onto Hockey and Badminton and the girls will be doing Football and Dance

We are looking forward to  many national and international sporting events in 2021, such as the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics, the European Football Championships and Ryder Cup to name a few.

Closer to home, we of course encourage you to continue or take up some form of exercise, whether walking, cycling, running, yoga, or whatever you can fit into your day (or evening) with any restrictions that are in place. One thing the pandemic has reminded us, is how important exercise is for both our physical and mental wellbeing, so let's get out there!