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Cirencester Deer Park School

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What Makes you happy calendar

The Friends of Deer Park School 2021 Calendar

We are very pleased to tell you about the ‘What Makes You Happy’ Friends of Cirencester Deer Park School Official 2021 Calendar. During the Summer 2020 term, when lockdown was still in place and most pupils were learning from home, the Friends of Cirencester Deer Park School launched their What Makes You Happy photography competition, with the winning entries to be featured in the first official school calendar. They wanted to focus pupils' attention on something positive and enlightening, a form of escapism from the restrictions enforced on society at that specific time. 

Teenagers are never too far away from their phones and this competition was a great opportunity for them to capture images over the summer months on a positive theme.

All of the photographs in the calendar (see below) were taken by current pupils at the school and were judged anonymously. The winning 12 images were selected by an independent panel made up of Helen Richmond (local photographer & parent), Miss Brace (Assistant Head), Samantha Harley-Maydew and Rosie & Mark Parrish (Friends' committee members). They had difficult decisions to make but the images certainly reflect the incredible photographic talents of pupils at the school.

friends of deer park calendar competition

friends of deer park calendar competition

friends of deer park calendar competition

friends of deer park calendar competition

friends of deer park calendar competition

friends of deer park calendar competition

friends of deer park calendar competition

friends of deer park calendar competition

friends of deer park calendar competition

friends of deer park calendar competition

friends of deer park calendar competition

friends of deer park calendar competition

Download the order form below.
Order deadline is Friday 4 December 2020.
Payment can be made by bank transfer, cheque or cash.

Completed order form and payment should be placed in an envelope, clearly marked FAO Friends of Deer Park School, and handed in to Reception.

2020 has proved challenging for many individuals, businesses and charities and it is no different for the Friends of Deer Park School as they face new challenges in raising vital funds to pay for enriching resources for the school. Many previous Friends' fundraising events involved face-to-face contact, whether providing refreshments at school evening events or a sushi-making workshop for example, and so The Friends have been thinking outside the box in terms of fundraising projects.

This academic year the Friends are focusing on raising money towards developing outside social areas that will benefit all pupils. They have started with additional recycled outdoor seating and there are future projects being planned! Your purchases of the 2021 calendar will directly help The Friends achieve this goal, which is vitally important in our current COVID environment and society. Thanking you in advance!

Friends of Cirencester Deer Park School (FOCDP)
‘Working together, supporting our school’