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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Year 7 Virtual Learning Conference

Supporting the learning and progress of our Year 7 pupils

COVID-19 is no barrier to learning at Deer Park and whilst we have all had to make adjustments, as a school we are determined to carry and in September we hosted the first of our Key Stage 3 Virtual Learning Conferences.

At the Virtual Year 7 Learning and Curriculum Evening on Thursday 24 September 2020 we introduced Year 7 parents and pupils to the Building Learning Power (BLP) approach and the 4 Rs. This was followed by the Heads of English, Maths and Science outlining the importance of their subject and what pupils will be studying this year. There was information about how parents can support pupils' home learning and an introduction to Show My Homework (SMHW) and MS Teams.

We are grateful to all those parents who attended the event and hope you found it helpful in supporting your child's learning. This event is part of our ‘learning triangle’ which aims to strengthen the bonds between school, pupils and their parents.

Pupils in Year 7 received the same messages regarding the importance of the Building Learning Power (BLP) approach in a virtual assembly the following week. Imogen commented 'it made me feel welcome.'

Mr Bellamy, Assistant Head: 'I was pleased to have the opportunity to meet with the parents of our new Year 7 cohort and congratulate them on the impressive start their children have made so far. I was also pleased to be able to introduce the 4 Rs and explain how these skills can help pupils achieve their potential throughout their time at Deer Park.'

If you were unable to attend the virtual event, you can access a recording below:


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If you have any questions, please contact your child's tutor in the first instance.

At Deer Park we would normally host Learning Conferences for pupils and their parents in each year group. These interactive sessions are designed to inform parents about our curriculum and provide support. Understanding the key learning skills of Reciprocity, Resourcefulness, Reflectivity and Resilience (The 4 Rs) is of vital importance to unlock our pupils' potential and we hope that by being given these tools, these young people will excel at Deer Park and achieve successful outcomes. This term we are undeterred and are finding new and creative ways in which we can engage with members of our wider school community and share key information.


Virtual Learning Events this Autumn: 

  • Year 7 Virtual Learning and Curriculum Evening - Thursday 24 September 2020
  • Year 8 Virtual Learning and Curriculum Evening - Thursday 12 November 2020
  • Year 9 Virtual Learning and Curriculum Evening - Wednesday 7 October 2020
  • Year 8-11 Virtual Careers Convention