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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Year 9 Virtual Learning Conference

Learning and Curriculum Evening for Year 9 Parents

On Wednesday 7 October 2020 we were pleased to be able to engage with parents at our Virtual Year 9 Learning Conference. The evening was facilitated through Microsoft Teams and was well-attended by parents.  We covered a range of topics, from developing effective study habits to preparation for learning beyond Key Stage 3.  This event sits as part of the journey through Year 9 towards options and Key Stage 4.  It is important that Year 9 pupils start to think about their futures now.

Our live Question & Answer facility was well used by the audience with presenters responding to a range of pertinent questions throughout the evening. One parent commented that the evening was "very informative and contained lots of useful, practical advice".

If you were unable to attend the evening, you can access the recording below:


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Deputy Head, Mr Clutterbuck mentioned on the evening that we will be launching the Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) Bronze Award to Year 9 pupils after half term. Look out for more details in November.  

At this time of year we would normally we participating in our annual Careers Convention organised in conjunction with Cirencester Kingshill School.  Due to the current situation, we have moved this event online and we are grateful to the exhibitors for providing us with information and videos for our young people to access.  These can be found on our Virtual Careers Information.

At Deer Park we would normally host Learning Conferences for pupils and their parents in each year group. These interactive sessions are designed to inform parents about our curriculum and provide support. Understanding the key learning skills of Reciprocity, Resourcefulness, Reflectivity and Resilience (The 4 Rs) is of vital importance to unlock our pupils' potential and we hope that by being given these tools, these young people will excel at Deer Park and achieve successful outcomes. This term we are undeterred and are finding new and creative ways in which we can engage with members of our wider school community and share key information.


Virtual Learning Events this Autumn: 

  • Year 7 Virtual Learning and Curriculum Evening - Thursday 24 September 2020
  • Year 8 Virtual Learning and Curriculum Evening - Thursday 12 November 2020
  • Year 9 Virtual Learning and Curriculum Evening - Wednesday 7 October 2020
  • Year 8-11 Virtual Careers Convention