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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Ghana 2021

Volunteering in Ghana in 2021

On Tuesday 6 October 2020 our Year 10 Ghana 2021 volunteers came together for a face-to-face meeting for the first time since signing up for the 2021 volunteering trip in February this year.

After collecting their trip t-shirts, the team discussed the successes and challenges they have faced with their individual fundraising so far. Some have been creative, making products to sell, while others have used their time at home to have a clear out and raised money through online auction and selling sites.

ghana 2021 tshirts

ghana 2021 tshirts

ghana 2021 tshirts

The team acknowledged the challenging nature of fundraising during the current coronavirus pandemic but demonstrated enthusiasm and resilience. They discussed a range of ideas for team fundraising without the cake sales and supermarket bag pack events that have supported our previous Ghana trips. Look out for a Year 7 Halloween Quiz, Staff Car Wash and Christmas Hamper Raffle coming up in the next few months.

The Ghana 2021 team would welcome any suggestions you have for fundraising at this unique time. Please email Miss Bluett, Ghana 2021 Team Leader with your ideas.


Ghana 2021 will be our fifth planned trip with African Adventures, when a group of current Year 10 pupils have the incredible opportunity to travel to this West African country and volunteer in local communities. Once in Ghana our pupils gain valuable insights into Ghanaian life and culture. They contribute to the development of projects as ‘teachers’, teaching assistants, community builders and sports leaders.

Unfortunately Ghana 2020 did not take place, due to COVID-19, but we are hopeful that next Summer's Ghana 2021 opportunity will go ahead.

You can read more about Volunteering in Ghana and reports from previous years:

African Adventures


Ghana flag