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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Virtual Open Evening

Replacing our annual Open Evening with a virtual version

We were pleased to welcome prospective pupils and their parents to our Virtual Open Evening on Tuesday 29 September 2020. This was a new experience for us. We are grateful to you for your feedback - ‘Thank you for all of your information and for the students’ excellent contributions’ - and for the questions which we were able to answer. These ranged from our catchment area, provision for pupils with special needs and the stretch and challenge for more able pupils, to our curriculum, enrichment and our school dogs!

We fully understand that listening to a presentation remotely is not the same as experiencing the positive energy that exists within our school on a typical day or during our normal open events. We are all on a steep learning curve and we appreciate there were a few teething issues for which we apologise.

However, we are delighted to be able to share the evening's event below which includes Headteacher Chiquita Henson’s presentation and videos from current pupils, a former pupil and one of our parents.

We encourage you to watch and listen again. We hope this will provide an insight into our school and complement the ‘out of hours’ tours that have been scheduled in September and October.


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We are currently making a series of very short films which we hope will capture the spirit of Deer Park and we plan to release them shortly.