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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Year 10 DofE Training Day

Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award Training Day

On Wednesday 16 September 2020, 57 of our Year 10 pupils were granted a day off timetable, to complete their DofE Bronze Award Expedition training.

Pupils undertaking the Duke of Edinburgh  Bronze Award have to complete 4 sections:

  • Volunteering
  • Physical
  • Skills
  • Expedition.

The Expedition section is completed with school.

DofE logo

Given the challenges faced in the current circumstances, the main focus of the day was navigation and route planning, in order for the pupils to be fully prepared ahead of their final qualifying Expedition at the end of September.

Working in their groups, the pupils were guided through the maps and routes by 4 instructors from  No Limits Development who joined us for the day.

The short preparation time, whilst challenging, presented the pupils with the opportunity to work collaboratively and demonstrate great reserves of reciprocity and, particularly, resilience. The four instructors were extremely impressed by their levels of commitment and respect.

dofE training day

By the end of the day, all groups had completed their essential route cards and had also found the time to enjoy some walking outside, whilst discussing the wider issues of nutrition and First Aid.

Matthew: "I found the day extremely helpful, particularly in terms of route planning for the expedition."

Katie: "It was really interesting to learn how to map read properly, as it will be really useful on the final expedition."

Eddie Sims, No Limits Course Director: "The pupils were really committed to the training and extremely respectful towards each other and the instructors."

We are now very much looking forward to the pupils completing the Expedition element of their award with 2 days of walking in the Stroud Valleys.

Pupils and parents should remember that the consent form needs to be returned to Mr Reed by Friday 25 September 2020.