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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Return to School: Visitors

COVID safety information for visitors

All pupils and staff in school are aware of the importance of abiding by current guidance to minimise the risk of infection. We have invested in additional cleaning and put in place a number of other measures to ensure that our school site is ‘COVID secure’.

Visitors to the school have an important role in helping us keep pupils and staff free from infection. Please help us keep the school site ‘COVID-secure’ by:

  • Minimising the number of physical visits you make to school. As we established during ‘lockdown’, meetings involving a number of parties can be held very effectively in Microsoft Teams and the school is equipped for these. Visits to the school should be the exception rather than the rule.
  • Not coming to school if you feel unwell or exhibit any of the symptoms of COVID-19 (high temperature, new cough or loss of sense of taste or smell). Our Receptionists may ask you to confirm that you do not have any of these symptoms when you arrive at school.
  • Please feel free to ask the Receptionists or whoever you are visiting if there are any known cases of COVID amongst the school population if you wish.
  • Please feel free to request a copy of the school’s risk assessment which sets out the protection measures in place on the site if you wish.
  • Using the Cirencester College entrance and entering school via Reception. Do not come into school directly from the rear car park or by using the Design Atrium or other external doors.
  • Washing your hands or sanitising on arrival at school (hand sanitiser will be available at Reception).
  • Maintaining social distancing of 2m from all staff and pupils at all times including signing in at Reception. Please remind pupils or staff if they come too close to you during any meeting with you.
  • Ensure you ‘Catch it, Bin it, Kill it’ if you need to sneeze or cough. Used tissues should be disposed of in the pedal bins located around the school.

If working directly with pupils, ensure they do not touch any of your equipment and that surfaces are wiped down with disinfectant wipes (which you will find in each room) between pupils. Please wipe down any computer keyboard/printer/copier or other school equipment that you are using with a disinfectant wipe before you use it.

You will be issued with a visitor’s lanyard at Reception which will have been quarantined for 3 days. Please return the lanyard to the box in Reception for quarantining.

The current government advice is that face masks are not required for pupils and staff in schools. However, we have no objection to visitors wearing face coverings if they feel more comfortable doing so as long as the face covering is appropriate. The school will not supply face masks to visitors so you will need to provide your own.  Any face mask which becomes ‘lost property’ will be disposed of and not held for return to the visitor.