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Return to School: Parent FAQs

FAQs for parents of pupils returning to school

Following government guidance from The Department of Education that all pupils, in all year groups, are expected to return to school full-time from the beginning of the autumn term, Cirencester Deer Park School, like schools across the country, is preparing for the return of our young people to school in the first week of September.

We are proud of the virtual learning that the majority of Deer Park pupils were able to engage with really well during lockdown, but studying at home is simply not the same as being at school. School is so much more than just lessons. It is interaction, it is friendships, it is collaboration, it is challenges, it is growing, it is respect, it is emotional wellbeing, it is help, it is society in miniature and it is about building The 4 Rs: reflectiveness, resilience, resourcefulness and reciprocity.

We are looking forward to seeing everyone back in school after the summer break. We recognise however that although parents understand the importance of our young people returning to school for their education and wellbeing, some of you may be reticent about sending your children back to school. We would like to reassure you that we have undertaken a comprehensive risk assessment and have put in place additional measures to prevent infection. Read about this and other frequently asked questions below.


When does my child have to return to school?

The Government have made it very clear that they expect all pupils to be back in school and that school attendance is mandatory from the start of the Autumn term.

At Deer Park we have chosen to stagger the start of the new school year. This will help us integrate our new and existing pupils into our new way of working.

  • All pupils in Year 7 and Year 11 will return to school on Thursday 3 September 2020.
  • Pupils in Years 8, 9 and 10 will then return to school and join those in Years 7 and 11 on Friday 4 September 2020.

If you have any concerns at all about your child’s attendance at school, please ring the school on 01285 653447 from Tuesday 1 September and ask to speak to the appropriate Year Leader for your child’s year group.

What preventative measures has the school put in place? 

The school has taken great care to put in place additional measures to prevent infection and avoid anyone catching Coronavirus. We have

  • Carried out comprehensive risk assessments;
  • Introduced robust hand and respiratory hygiene measures;
  • Enhanced our cleaning routines;
  • Introduced measures to support social distancing in school and improve ventilation;
  • Reorganised our school day and changed our timetable to keep year groups separate.

What will my child be expected to do? 

All pupils will be expected to abide by our school standards and observe the protective measures we have put in place including good respiratory and hand hygiene, appropriate social distancing and staying within their year group ‘bubble’ and designated areas.

All pupils should:

  • Wash their hands thoroughly on arrival and at intervals during the school day (we have invested in external hand washing stations for this purpose);
  • Use hand sanitiser on entry to their classrooms;
  • Wipe down any equipment and the area in which they have worked using the wipes provided;
  • Comply with instructions, such as seating plans, and ensure they face the front at all times;
  • Maintain appropriate social distancing between themselves outside the classroom (1m) and with all adults in the school (2m);
  • Follow the clearly marked routes and designated one-way systems around the school;
  • Report any potential COVID-19 related symptoms immediately.

How can I help my child return to school? 

Parents have a vital role to play in helping the school re-establish the routines of being back at school and re-focusing on learning, whilst reinforcing messages to pupils about minimising the risk of infection.

To help us, please:

  • Ensure your child comes to school with everything he/she will need for the day including a supply of tissues, their own hand sanitiser for their personal use and a clean face covering if he/she travels to and from school by bus;
  • Go over your child’s timetable and ensure he/she has the books and equipment he/she needs for the day in school. Pupils will not be able to access their school lockers initially. We will advise them when we are able to make them available;
  • Review homework requirements with your child in Show My Homework. Teachers are likely to set longer pieces of homework with less frequency to reduce the amount of book handling;
  • Keep yourself up to date with the latest government advice and guidance and discuss this with your child where appropriate so they are aware of it too. We will endeavour to advise you of any changes that directly impact on our pupils.

You may find this article - Psychologists' tips: preparing children for return to school - helpful in preparing your child for his/her return to school .

Does my child need to wear school uniform?

All pupils are expected to wear their normal school uniform correctly - see our Uniform Dos and Don'ts.

Uniforms do not need to be cleaned any more often than usual.

As the more autumnal weather begins, we will expect all pupils to wear their navy blue V-necked school jumpers in school as classroom windows and doors will be left open to ensure all learning spaces are well ventilated. 

Pupils will need to bring their normal PE kit into school with them when required for lessons. There will be limited use of the changing rooms and they may get changed in large areas with pupils of their own gender.

Does my child need to wear a face mask? 

The current government advice is that face coverings are not mandatory for pupils and staff in schools and unless this guidance changes, we will not be requiring them to wear one.   However, we have no objection to pupils and staff wearing face masks if they feel more comfortable doing so as long as the face covering is appropriate. The school will not supply face coverings to pupils, so you will need to provide these for your child if he/she would like to wear them. Pupils will be responsible for their own face coverings during the day and should follow the guidance regarding how they should be applied, removed and stored. BBC News: How should I wear a face covering? 

Any face covering which becomes ‘lost property’ will be disposed of and not held for return to the pupil.

What do I do if my child is considered clinically vulnerable or clinically extremely vulnerable? 

If your child is considered clinically vulnerable or clinically extremely vulnerable, he/she is now able to return to school, but you may wish to contact your GP to discuss whether additional safety measures need to be put in place to ensure it is safe for him/her to attend school. If, after speaking with your GP, you decide that your child will need additional support in place to attend school safely, please contact the appropriate Year Leader to discuss this.

What time will school start and when will the school day end? 

We are slightly staggering the start and end of the school day.

Pupils in Year 7 should arrive for an 8:45am start each day and their day will finish at 3:10pm. Those travelling home by bus will be supervised until 3:25pm.

Pupils in Years 8-11 should arrive for a prompt start at 9:00am and their school day will finish at 3:25pm.

When can my child arrive at school? 

Pupils are expected to arrive promptly and, ideally, not more than 15 minutes before their school day starts. 

If coming to school by car, you can drop your child off at the rear of the school. Please remember that if you drop off or collect your child by car you are expected to remain in your vehicle and not socialise with other parents.

We appreciate that if your child travels by bus he/she may arrive a little earlier than his/her peers. If your child arrives early he/she should go directly to his/her year group’s home base.

The PLC will not be open at the end of school and all pupils should go directly home at the end of school. Pupils are not permitted to remain on the school site after 4:00pm. Unfortunately, in the short term, there will be no after school clubs or sports activities.

What does my child need to do if he/she travels to and from school by bus? 

If your child travels to and/or from school by bus he/she will be expected to follow the procedures set out by Gloucestershire County Council for public transport - read more. The general guidance on bus travel is that all pupils should wear a face covering and sit with pupils from their own Year group ‘bubble’.

Where should my child go when he/she arrives at school and during the school day? 

Before going anywhere your child should wash his/her hands at one of our new external sinks on arrival at school and at intervals during the school day.

Pupils in each year group will be allocated a designated space or home base and will predominantly be taught by their teachers within these ‘bubbles’.

Your child will be expected to stay together with the rest of his/her year group throughout the school day.

Each ‘bubble’ has been given a designated area or home base and this will be separate from other year group ‘bubbles’. Your child will also have a designated eating space, social space and toilets as follows:

Bubbles Home
Toilets - in lessons if necessary Toilets - at break and lunchtime
Year 7 Humanities
& the PLC
Main Hall Front Field Main Block Main Block
Year 8 T1-8
Main Hall Back Playground Monkscroft Languages
Year 9 Languages
& Science
Main Hall Back Playground Science Languages
Year 10 Maths
& H1
Atrium Front Field PE PE
Year 11 English Atrium Front Field Languages Languages

What will my child’s day at school look like? 

We will be operating an interim timetable. All pupils will have 5 lessons a day.  These are of varied length to help us accommodate staggered breaks and lunch times which will be shorter in length than they used to be.  However, we have also temporarily allowed 5 minutes movement time between lessons where appropriate.

A summary of the timetable structure for each year group is set out below:

Year 7











Tutor Time










Year 8









Lesson 1


Lesson 2

Lesson 3


Lesson 4

Lesson 5

Tutor Time

Year 9









Lesson 1

Lesson 2


Lesson 3

Lesson 4


Lesson 5

Tutor Time

Year 10









Lesson 1


Lesson 2

Lesson 3


Lesson 4

Lesson 5

Tutor Time

Year 11









Lesson 1

Lesson 2


Lesson 3

Lesson 4


Lesson 5

Tutor Time


Will my child be able to buy a hot lunch at school? 

Each year group has been allocated an eating area. The Canteen will be offering a selection of hot and cold food in both the Main hall and Atrium. Owing to the changes we have had to make, there will initially be less choice than we are used to seeing on the menu.

Please remember all transactions are now cashless and you will need to ensure your child has a reasonable level of credit on his/her canteen smart card at all times.

Pupils entitled to Free School Meals will be able to access these in the Canteen as normal and no further Edenred vouchers are being issued.

How can I contact the school? 

You should avoid coming into the school unless it is absolutely essential. Owing to the protective measures we have put in place, parents are discouraged from coming into school unless they have an appointment and you are strongly advised to make contact via telephone or email with the appropriate members of staff who will be able to advise you. Staff email addresses are published on our Staff page.

We are here to support you so please do contact your child’s Year Leader in the first instance if you have a question or an issue that we can help you with.

What should I do if my child feels unwell at home? 

If your child is feeling unwell or if they are self-isolating, as a close family member has a confirmed case of COVID-19, they must not attend school.

Please contact us on 01285 653447 to report any absences and let us know specifically if you think this is COVID-related.

If your child exhibits any symptoms of COVID-19 (high temperature, new cough or loss of sense of taste or smell) please get them tested as quickly as you can and keep them off school and isolated until the test result is known. If the test is positive please engage with the NHS ‘Test and Trace’ service to help minimise the risk of further infection and let the school know about the positive test.

What will happen if my child feels unwell in school? 

If your child feels unwell during the day he/she should go directly to our Welfare Office where he/she will be checked by our Welfare Assistant. If they have any symptoms of COVID-19 (high temperature, dry cough, loss of taste and smell) they will be isolated until you are able to collect them from school.

What will happen if there is a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the school? 

In the event of a pupil or member of staff testing positive we will be following NHS ‘Test and Trace’ guidance and, if requested by them, we will pass on contact details for parents of pupils who may be required to self-isolate. Please let the school know if you object to your details being passed on for this purpose.

If my child has to self-isolate will he/she be able to continue with his/her learning? 

If your child needs to self-isolate for 14 days because he/she has had symptoms of coronavirus or a positive test result or because he/she is a close contact of someone who has a confirmed case of coronavirus (COVID-19) we will ensure he/she can continue to engage in learning by logging into Show My Homework regularly to access class resources and work. In the event of a wider lockdown the school will revert back to online lessons in MS Teams. 

We are currently working on our remote learning plan. However, now that all pupils will be back in school, this will be different to the provision that was made for our pupils during the national lockdown. Your child will be expected to take responsibility for his/her own learning.

How will you help my child ‘catch up’ or get back on track?

We are aware that pupils may have made less academic progress during the period from March – July 2020 and we will be putting a programme in place to establish and address learning deficits. This will include baseline and diagnostic tests. These will be used to inform teachers’ planning and we may reorganise pupils’ groups.

Initially we will be concentrating on getting pupils back into the routine of school life and the new ways of learning.

If my child has special educational needs will he/she be able to access support? 

We will continue to offer support to pupils with special educational needs although there may be practical limitations to what we can safely do in the current circumstances. If you have any concerns, please contact Mrs Crew, the School’s SENDCO. Our Inclusion Centre will also be operating to support pupils with re-integration or other learning needs.

What will happen if my child does something wrong? 

We expect all of our pupils to adhere to our school standards, cooperate with the preventative measures we have put in place and to behave well. We will endeavour to let you know if we have any concerns.

If a pupil behaves inappropriately, disrupts others, ignores the preventative measures and puts other members of our school community at risk there will be sanctions. These will be in line with our Behaviour for Success Policy. A pupil may be asked to stop what he/she is doing, given a warning, removed from the classroom or parked in another teaching space. If a pupil persists in behaving inappropriately he/she may be detained or will be referred to his/her Year Leader who may isolate him/her in our Inclusion Centre.

Will my child be able to take part in after-school clubs and other enrichment activities? 

We are reviewing our school calendar. We will be trying to work as normally as possible in school, but inevitably there are restrictions on what we can and cannot do. In the short term we will not be offering any extra-curricular clubs or activities, but we intend to keep this under review and hope to reinstate them once we feel confident we can do so safely.

Unfortunately, we do not anticipate being able to offer any school trips this academic year and our annual Enrichment Week will not take place in 2021. This will now be a normal school week.

Will I be able to come to any school events?  

At present we do not intend to hold any events which will require parents’ presence or mass gatherings in school. Events such as our Learning Conferences will take place virtually.

We will confirm how we will provide feedback to parents in place of parents’ evenings.


September 2020 may not be a 'normal' return to school as such, not least because we are still living with a global pandemic, but some things can be done in advance to ease the transition, whatever year your children are in:

  • Ask your your children if they have any worries about returning to school. Chat together about how to deal with any perceived issues. YoungMinds and On Your Mind Glos are good online resources  and we really like the daily messages from  Action for Happiness. Year 7? Have a look at BBC Bitesize Starting Secondary School.
  • Have a few early nights and get back into the routine of good sleep and early mornings - why not start straight after the bank holiday weekend.
  • If your child is new to Deer Park and will be walking or cycling to school, practice how long it will take.
  • Emphasise the positive - for many children, the opportunity to catch up with friends they haven't seen, possibly since March, will be a powerful motivator to return.
  • As daily routines will change with the return to school, remind your children about the hygiene basics to avoid coronavirus. Regularly and thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water throughout the day or clean them with an alcohol-based hand rub. Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze and put used tissues in the bin immediately and wash your hands afterwards.
  • If anyone in your household feels unwell, check the symptoms of coronavirus - self-isolate immediately if necessary, even with mild symptoms.
  • Check that uniform still fits! If your children haven't worn their uniform since March, you may need to do a clothes swap with friends or check whether you need a take a virtual or physical trip to D&J Sports and/or to a shoe shop. Check PE kit too. Please ensure that items of uniform, bags, shoes etc are named - it makes it so much easier to reunite pupils with their belongings. Why not invest in a Sharpie! A reminder that hoodies are not acceptable replacements for coats and should not be worn to school.
  • Having been out of the loop for so long, check with your child that they have (or can find) all the equipment they need for their return to school - sturdy school bag, pencil case, stationary, calculator, maths set etc.

It is very important that we all support and take care of each other. By working together cooperatively, we all should be able to achieve more than we first think possible. We look forward to seeing everyone back at school and to feeling and hearing the 'buzz' that makes Deer Park such a special place to learn.