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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Year 6-7 Transition

Current Year 6s joining us in September

On Monday 13 and Tuesday 14 July 2020 we were really pleased to welcome our new intake for a morning or afternoon session at Deer Park. Whilst this is not our usual provision of two full induction days, we felt it was vital to offer pupils who will join us as Year 7s in September 2020 the opportunity to come in to school, rather than to just have a virtual experience. Pupils met their tutor, some other members of their tutor group and senior members of staff, as well as taking a guided tour of the school.

Pupils were given a booklet with transition material from each Faculty, which we encourage pupils and parents to read through together. Whilst the suggested exercises are not compulsory, they will give pupils an idea of what they will be learning in September and can be dipped in and out of over the summer holiday. 

Click here to access Summer Transition materials...

All the pupils who joined us behaved in an exemplary manner and asked insightful and challenging questions. We hope that having had the opportunity to come in to school and meet their tutor, these young people feel more confident about the transition to secondary school and are excited about starting full time in September. Our thanks to the staff who enabled these sessions to go ahead.

To ease their transition to Deer Park, we are planning a special Induction Day for all pupils in Year 7 on Thursday 3 September 2020. Year 7 and Year 11 only will be in school on Thursday 3 September 2020, whilst pupils in Year 8, Year 9  and Year 10 return to school on Friday 4 September.

Mrs Hannis, Year 7 Senior Year Leader, said: "Having spoken by telephone to each new pupil who will be joining Deer Park in September, it was really good to finally meet you all. I hope that this short visit and tour of the school will help you to feel prepared and excited for the start of your Deer Park journey.  We are all really looking forward to welcoming you in September. Enjoy your summer."

On our Admissions page you can watch two short videos created with the assistance of our pupils; these provide a guided tour of the school and plenty of tips and reassurance about being a pupil, and about life and learning at Deer Park. There are also links to tutor videos and a recording of one of our Welcome Evenings. Furthermore, pupils can take a ‘Street View’ tour of the school via Google Maps should they wish - drop the yellow person icon on to school and move around, browsing the uploaded images.

induction day 2020

induction 2020

induction day 2020

induction day 2020

induction 2020

induction day 2020

induction day 2020

induction day 2020

induction 2020

induction day 2020

induction day 2020

induction 2020