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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Exam Results Day

The 2020 GCSE Results Day is Thursday, 20 August 2020

We invite pupils in our Class of 2020 to come to school on Thursday 20 August to collect their examination results. We are looking forward to sharing these with them and celebrating their achievements.

However, owing to the current guidance for schools, we plan to manage the release of this information differently and we ask for your patience and understanding.

In order to maintain social distancing and to minimise the number of pupils gathering at any one time, we will be issuing the results to pupils on the front field, weather permitting, where we can do so with more space between individuals. Alternative arrangements will be made if it is wet.

We will be staggering the collection of these results throughout the morning and pupils are asked to come to school to collect their results at the times specified below:


Tutor Group




Miss Palmer



Mr Green



Mr Schlaefli



Tutor Group




Mrs Gleed



Mrs Voss



Tutor Group




Mrs Hoole-Jackson



Miss Smith/Mrs Bellamy






Year 10


To help us maintain appropriate social distancing, we politely request that any family or friends who accompany pupils to school should please remain in the car or away from where results are being issued.

We have been contacting every member of Year 11 to ensure that we have a personal email address for every pupil so that if we are unable to do a face to face, socially -distanced Results Day we can email the results to pupils. Equally, if a pupil cannot come to school on 20 August to collect their own results, please advise us beforehand so we can arrange to email them to a pupil’s personal email address. 

Centre-Assessed Grades

As you will be aware, owing to the cancellation of all GCSE examinations this summer, schools were asked to award Centre-Assessed Grades for each pupil based on what the school believed the pupil would have achieved in each subject had they had the opportunity to sit the summer examinations.   

At Cirencester Deer Park School we implemented a very robust programme to ensure that there was no subject where a single member of staff was responsible for deciding the grade a pupil was most likely to have achieved. Pupil work prior to lockdown was considered, including mock exam results, class work, assessed pieces of work and coursework, where applicable. There were lots of faculty-based meetings, also attended by members of the Strategic Leadership Team, to ensure a thorough moderation of all decisions made and, as a school, we believe that the grades that we submitted to the exam boards were as accurate as possible. 

After these grades were submitted to the exam boards they will have been put through a series of statistical moderations and, we understand, as a result of this some of the Centre-Assessed Grades that we awarded may have been adjusted. The exam boards have the ultimate decision about the grade a pupil will be awarded. The exam boards are using moderation to ensure that the results awarded are broadly similar to grades from previous years. The government are keen to ensure that the grades awarded to pupils this year have the same status as in previous years so that when they are used in the future, in university or job applications, they will be considered to be of the same value.   

At Deer Park, on Results Day pupils will be able to see if the Centre-Assessed Grade (the grade awarded by school) was higher, lower, or the same as the grade the exam boards have awarded:  

  • If the grade awarded by the centre (school) was higher than the GCSE grade awarded by the exam board it will be indicated as an up arrow
  • If the grade awarded by the centre (school) was lower than the GCSE grade awarded by the exam board it will be indicated as a down arrow
  • If the grade awarded by the centre (school) was the same as the GCSE grade awarded by the exam board it will not have an arrow beside it.


This year the government have made the decision that there will not be an option for pupils to appeal against their grades:  

On balance, we decided it would not be in the interests of students or the fairness of the arrangements overall. Any appeal would have to be undertaken by someone better placed than the student’s teachers to judge their likely grade if exams had taken place – in the unique circumstances of this summer, we do not believe there is any such person.’ OFQUAL 

Instead, pupils will have the opportunity to ‘re-sit’ any exams where they are unhappy with the outcome in the autumn. It has been confirmed that the autumn exam series for GCSEs will be between 2 and 23 November 2020.  We will be in touch with pupils when the new term starts with information about possible re-sits once we know more from the exam boards.