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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Young Volunteers

Volunteering for the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award

Mr Reed, our DofE Manager, received communication during week ending 10 July 2020 from the Head Office of the Duke of Edinburgh Award charity and wants to share some news which should certainly lift our spirits during this challenging time.

Pupils in Year 9 who sign up for and participate in the DofE Bronze Award have to commit to a minimum period of 3 months volunteering for a good cause as a vital element of their award requirements; it actually makes up a quarter of their 4 part programme:

  • Volunteering section
  • Physical section
  • Skills section
  • Expedition section.

DofE logo

The DofE have informed us that, between 1st April 2019 and 31st March 2020, our pupil participants have contributed 494 hours of volunteering time; equating to over £2,145 in terms of a monetary value.

"At a time when so many across our community and wider society, are struggling, it makes me proud to know that our pupils are making a tangible, positive difference to the lives of some of the most vulnerable and at-risk members of these communities. Please pass on my gratitude and pride to those in Year 9 and Year 10 who have contributed to this effort!" Mr Reed

Mrs Ellison, one of our DofE Leaders, comments: "One of our pupils has given up her time to collect litter in and around her local area. It's given her a real sense of purpose and she has enjoyed making a difference to her local community. It's the small acts of kindness that improves self worth and gives a sense of empowerment to young people."

Sarah, currently in Year 10, said: “My DofE volunteering largely helped me with my leadership skills and confidence. I managed to participate in a large variety of activities from public speaking to helping organise events. I feel my volunteering has helped my community as I participated in charity events and helped to raise money.”

We recognise that at the present time (July 2020) some of our DofE volunteers are finding it a challenge to continue with their volunteering but there is plenty of useful information on the DofE website

At this time when older people may be more at risk from coronavirus, there may be other opportunities and need for younger members in our society, whether doing their DofE or not, to volunteer their time and energy to help people, the community or society, the environment or animals, whether locally or for a cause further afield. At Deer Park we encourage all our pupils to follow the philosophy of Active Citizenship.

This year’s final Qualifying Expedition is scheduled to take place on the weekend of 26-27 September. A letter will be sent w/c 13 July to all participants with further details.