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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Leavers' Ball

It was lovely to see the Class of 2016 at Cirencester Deer Park School on Friday 1 July for their Leaver’s Ball. 

We are always impressed with just how lovely and mature our leavers look in their finery. As always, the year group were highly imaginative with their arrival modes of transport and Miss Brace, Head of Key Stage 4, commented that her personal favourites were the tricycles, the boat and the American style NYPD police car to name but a few. Our thanks to everyone who helped make this evening possible.

Leavers Ball 2016

Leavers Ball 2016

Leavers Ball 2016

Leavers Ball 2016

Leavers Ball 2016

Leavers Ball 2016

Leavers Ball 2016

Leavers Ball 2016

I thoroughly enjoyed welcoming our Class of 2016 to their celebration. As a part of our 'traffic management' I was strategically positioned so I could personally greet each pupil or group of pupils as they arrived in their vehicles. They all looked splendid and behaved impeccably. I am immensely proud of our young men and women as they step out into the world beyond Deer Park.

Chiquita Henson, Headteacher

To the Class of 2016, we hope you have a well-earned rest over the summer - you deserve it, you worked really hard towards your exams. We look forward to seeing you on Exam Results Day, Thursday 25 August, and at our Celebration of Achievement Evening in November.

Remember that there is still time to order a copy of the Class of 2016 Leavers' Book before the end of term on Friday 22 July - the order can be placed in person at the Finance Office (although please note that the Finance Office will be closed on Thursday 21 and Friday 22 July) or via WisePay.