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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Year Groups - Clarification

Year group namings remain the same

We apologise for any confusion regarding the provision we are currently making for each year group.

At Deer Park we would normally roll our timetable forward in June and promote our year groups when our pupils in Year 11 go on study leave.

However, this year, while we have made a gesture towards doing so in Year 9 by allowing them to pick up their GCSE options from Tuesday 2 June 2020 and by introducing pupils in Years 7 and 8 to their new Year Leaders and new schemes of learning, we have not changed how we refer to our year groups.

This is partly as a consequence of the guidance we have received from the government, which applies to all schools nationally and stipulates which year groups schools should be accommodating and, for 11-16 secondary schools like Deer Park, it is only for pupils in Year 10 moving into Year 11 in September 2020. We have been asked to ‘offer face-to-face support for a quarter of the year 10 cohort at any one time to supplement the remote education of year 10 pupils’. This is with the clear expectation that ‘remote education will continue to be the predominant form of education delivery’ for this and other year groups and that this should be of high quality.

As a school we are using Show My Homework as the main way to set tasks and support our pupils’ remote education. In addition, we are introducing more pupils to live lessons in MS Teams. Lessons in Teams are the priority, supported by the Show My Homework tasks. Pupils (and parents) are reminded they should continue to check Show My Homework regularly and assignments should be completed and returned to teachers. Generally, the maximum number of Teams lessons in one day would be 3 (although occasionally 4 in Year 9/10) and tasks in SMHW can be spread over the week. Pupils need to remember to check their emails (via RM Unify) regularly, as when they are initially invited to a Teams lesson, an invitation is sent to their email. We want to ensure that our pupils don't miss out on feedback, news or Teams notifications!

* Click and Collect Learning Bundles:
As pupils move forward in their learning, they will require new exercise books and additional learning resources. Please follow the instructions you will receive by email and use the online booking system to make an appointment to come to school and collect the learning bundle.  Collection will be outside at the front of school and punctuality and social distancing will be of utmost importance. You cannot collect a learning bundle unless you have booked a collection slot.

The following identifies our Year groups and summarises our provision for this term:

Year Leader: Mrs Hannis


  • One to one phone calls
  • Welcome events (w/c 29 June)
  • Induction visits (provisionally w/c 13 July).

Click and Collect Learning Bundle:

Not applicable

Year Leader: Mrs Reynolds


  • New timetable (5 June 2020)
  • Tasks assigned in Show My Homework
  • Weekly Tutor Group sessions in MS Teams
  • Lead lessons ** in MS Teams.

* Click and Collect Learning Bundle:

  • Collection date: Friday 12 June
  • Booking system will open at 8pm on Monday 8 June.

** Lead Lessons: Maths, English, Science, Languages, History, Geography, RP.

Year Leader: Mrs Burfoot


  • New timetable (5 June 2020)
  • Tasks assigned in Show My Homework
  • Weekly Tutor Group sessions in MS Teams
  • Lead lessons ** in MS Teams.

* Click and Collect Learning Bundle:

  • Collection date: Thursday 11 June
  • Booking system will open at 8pm on Monday 8 June.

** Lead Lessons: Maths, English, Science, Languages, History, Geography, RP.

Year Leader: Mrs Ellison


  • New timetable (5 June 2020)
  • Tasks assigned in Show My Homework and MS Teams
  • Weekly Tutor Group sessions in MS Teams
  • Core and Option subject lessons in MS Teams.

* Click and Collect Learning Bundle:

  • Collection date: Monday 8 and Tuesday 9 June.
  • Details in newsletter, Friday 5 June.
  • Booking system already open.

Year Leader: Mrs Stubbs


  • New timetable (5 June 2020)
  • Tasks assigned in Show My Homework and MS Teams
  • Weekly Tutor Group sessions in MS Teams
  • Core and subject lessons in MS Teams
  • W/c 15 June face to face reviews with senior member of staff
  • W/c 22 June face to face lessons in school one day per week.

* Click and Collect Learning Bundle:

  • Collection date: w/c Monday 15 June.
  • Details in newsletter, Friday 5 June. Survey needs to be completed by midday on Wednesday 10 June. Read more...