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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Social Distancing

What is social distancing?

Having to remain socially distanced in this time of COVID-19 means staying at least 2 metres away from anyone who does not live in your household. It's hard. We all want to see friends and members of family who don't live with us. Who doesn't miss a hug?

However, we live in a society and we ALL need to be socially responsible and think of others.

The Government guidelines, published on Monday 11 May 2020 set out some changes, which mean that you can spend more time outside and can now meet ONE other person from a different household outdoors - following social distancing guidelines.

Please remember and reinforce to your young people that we SHOULD NOT be meeting up with more than one other person. Even if meeting in a park or a wide open space, the guidelines state clearly  that you can meet up with ONE other person. This is quite simply to lessen the chance of contracting the coronavirus. It would be beyond sad if someone you know became infected with the coronavirus as a result of time spent in a group when advised not to. Although young people seem to be less affected by the virus, the truth is that we just do not know, and it really is not worth the risk to them, to people in your household and to the rest of your local community.

Stay safe

Government Guidelines

You should still:

  • stay at home as much as possible
  • work from home if you can
  • limit contact with other people
  • keep your distance if you go out (2 metres apart where possible)
  • wash your hands regularly


How far is 2 metres?

  • It's 6 feet
  • It is the length of a broom
  • Or, in the Yukon, it is a caribou!

NHS Social Distancing: what you need to do

Socially distancing. Think of it as physical distancing and social solidarity. We need to work together, but apart.

social distancing - caribou