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Cirencester Deer Park School

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VE Day 2020

75th anniversary of VE Day

At Deer Park we aim to mark key milestones and encourage our pupils to participate in national events. In May 2020, all things being normal, we would have celebrated the 75th Anniversary of VE Day - Victory in Europe Day, commemorating the end of the Second World War in Europe - on 8 May and joined with others across the country to commemorate the victory, remember those who lost their lives and reflect on the cost to the economy.

Our Humanities Team were planning a series of activities linked to the Second World War and life on the Home Front. However, they have had to adapt their plans in a series of online research challenges as a part of their annual Faculty in Focus. Read more...

We hope that on this special Bank Holiday on Friday 8 May 2020, in spite of the lockdown situation we all find ourselves in, you will be able to take some time out, watch, listen and learn more from archive film footage, friends and relatives and remember those involved 75 years ago by taking part in the two minutes’ silence at 11:00am.

This year we had planned to recreate and host a 2020 VE Day Street Party but, in a very different time of national crisis, we have had to be creative. We hope you enjoy our efforts! Thank you to all pupils and members of staff and their families who contributed to making this short video and to Miss Faux for bringing it all together. Stay safe.


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To mark the 65th anniversary of VE Day in 2010 we suspended the school’s timetable to travel back in time to 1945. Staff recreated the atmosphere by dressing up and across the curriculum thought-provoking lessons were taught based on the themes of legacy and reconciliation.

Pupils had the opportunity to talk to local residents who had lived through The Second World War and listened attentively to holocaust survivors who travelled from London to share their experiences.

1945 day 2015

1945 day 2015

As the years pass, it is still vitally important to remember the sacrifices made by so many in WW2 as people stood up to oppression and fought for democracy and liberty. Out of the horror of the Second World War, came a new world of hope and optimism.