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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Road to Tokyo Challenge

Lockdown challenge: Cirencester to Tokyo

UPDATE! As of Thursday 16 July 2020, we made to Tokyo! In fact we made it with over 1,000km to spare. A fantastic team effort by staff and pupils in Years 7-9. Well done everyone!

On Monday 20 April 2020, the PE Faculty at Cirencester Deer Park School challenged Key Stage 3 pupils and staff alike to a Road to Tokyo Challenge.

As you are no doubt aware, because of the coronavirus pandemic, the Tokyo Olympics has been delayed to 2021 and Tokyo 2020 is now scheduled to take place from 23 July to 8 August next year.

tokyo 2020

It is 5,699 miles (9,118.4 km) from Cirencester to Tokyo. Our PE Challenge for pupils in Years 7, 8 & 9 is simple: Can our pupils cover the distance and get to Tokyo by the end of lockdown?

What do Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9 pupils need to do?

  1. Exercise!
  2. Log the distance they do when exercising. Print a copy of the log (as sent to all Key Stage 3 pupils via Show My Homework), fill it in daily and take a photograph of the log each week or simply record it electronically.
  3. Email weekly distances to their PE Teacher so that we can record the cumulative total.

It does not matter what form of exercise our pupils are doing, so long as they are moving! They can walk, do 30 minute HITT sessions, run, cycle, row... what else? They can use their phone or watch to record steps and/or time, measure their route on a map, or try to work out the approximate distance they have covered, for example, if doing shuttles in the back garden.

Can we, as a Key Stage, get to Tokyo by the end of lock down?

James in Year 7 (Week 1)

21 April: 1km run
23 April: 2km run
24 April: 8.5km cycle
25 April: Running training (4x1500m)
25 April: 1km cycle
26 April: 8km run

Abigail in Year 7 (Week 1)

road to tokyo

Head of PE, Mrs Hacker: "We have all seen what Captain Tom Moore can do in terms of exercise at the age of 99. If we all pull together and do a little more activity each day, I am sure we can get close to walking/running/cycling/skipping/exercising our way to Tokyo. Keep sending in your distances. Keep safe."

We hope that the Olympic and Paralympic Games do go ahead next summer, as the news on 28 April 2020 is that if the date has to change again then the Games in Tokyo would be scrapped. Our fingers are firmly crossed.

The PE Faculty