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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Coronavirus: Emergency School Provision

Schools close to everyone except vulnerable children and those with a parent identified as a key worker.

Following government guidance, all schools are closing from Friday 20 March 2020.  However, schools, and childcare providers, are being asked to continue to provide care for a limited number of children - children who are vulnerable, and children whose parents are critical to the COVID-19 response and cannot be safely cared for at home.


Frequently Asked Questions: Our Provision from Monday 23 March.

Am I eligible for my child/children to attend?
The government have asked schools to remain open only for ‘key workers’ and vulnerable pupils. The government have issued guidance on who they consider to be key workers. The school is contacting parents of pupils with social workers, EHCPs and those eligible for Free School Meals directly to offer places.

Do you require both parents/carers to be ‘key workers’?
No – only one parent is required to be a key worker.

Will you be checking with my employer whether I am a ’key worker’?
No – we will take the information you provide us at face value.  However, it is important that only people in critical roles take the available places in open schools otherwise this may prevent other critical workers from accessing childcare.

What will the provision look like?
We are offering breakfast club from 8.00am, normal school hours 8.50am – 3.25pm and an after school club until 6.00pm.

What will pupils do during the school day?
During term time we are planning for pupils to follow the online timetable that we have already published for 3 or 4 hours a day (depending on their Key Stage) and complete the learning tasks they have been assigned by their class teachers.  These independent study sessions will be supervised by teaching staff who will provide general support as they may not be subject specialists.  We will be supplementing these with physical and other activities during the day.  If there is sufficient demand for provision over the Easter holiday the structure of the day and activities will be different. 

What food will be available?
All food will be free of charge so pupils do not need to bring their smartcard to school. They may want to bring a drink and morning break snack as we are not offering morning break service.  Lunch will be at 12.15pm for everyone which will be a reduced provision but will include hot and cold food.  A vegetarian option will be available daily.  Pupils are welcome to bring a packed lunch if they prefer.

Will School buses still be operating?
The Local Authority have confirmed that school transport will continue to run for pupils eligible for free school transport, subject to bus companies being able to staff it.  Services may be combined or re-timetabled to reflect the reduced number of pupils using free school transport, but details are still uncertain.  We have spoken to all the commercial bus operators and as far as we know, all our school services will continue to run, again subject to staffing.

Does my child need to wear school uniform?
No – pupils can wear practical non-uniform during this period.  We expect to be offering periods of physical activity so we suggest trainers and appropriate casual clothing for a school environment.

Does my child need to bring equipment to school?
They should attend with usual stationary items (pens, pencils, calculator, ruler etc).  As on a normal school day, pupils should familiarise themselves with the day’s timetable and bring any resources/subject exercise books they may need for the day.  Pupils will not need to bring/wear PE kit for any physical activity.  Pupils may not be able to access their lockers, so they will need to just bring items they need each day and then take them home again.  Pupils are asked to bring a reading book with them each day.

What time does my child need to be in school?
School starts at 8.50am as normal with registration.  All pupils should report to the Main Hall at that time.

Will the normal school standards apply?
Yes.  We expect all pupils to adhere to our school standards at all times.  Any poor behaviour will be sanctioned proportionately and we reserve the right to send pupils home if their behaviour impacts on the learning, safety or wellbeing of others in school.  In the event of serious breaches of our school standards we will contact parents about keeping their children at home if necessary.

How long will the school be able to provide this service?
We are operating this on a ‘best endeavours’ basis, and obviously this is subject to staff availability over time.  The Local Authority are coordinating arrangements in case many schools have to close completely, and this may then involve children attending a different school to their normal school.  Obviously we will keep you informed should this become necessary.

Can I use the provision on an irregular basis?
Yes, we can provide either a full Monday to Friday daily provision, or specific days of the week as requested depending on your need.  We expect pupils to be in school for the full day, and we are not offering half day provision.  It is important that we know in advance who will be attending the school each day, so you must ring (01285 653447) or email ( if your plans change or if your child is not well enough to attend school.

What do I do if I think my child is unwell?
We will not have a full welfare provision (although we will have first aid cover) so please do not send pupils to school who may be unwell and notify us by phone or email as above of their absence.  If your child feels unwell when they are at school, we will contact you to come and collect them.

My child has an EHCP – will he/she receive support in school?
To the extent that we are able to staff TA provision then we hope to be able to provide this on a daily basis, but it may not be the TA that your child is used to working with.