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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Coronavirus: Remote Learning

From Monday 23 March 2020 Cirencester Deer Park School will be physically closed to the majority of our pupils until further notice. However, learning will continue!

As you are aware we have been preparing to move to remote learning in the event of a whole school closure and we are pleased to confirm our plans.

  1. For the fortnight from Monday 23 March to Friday 3 April 2020:

    Pupils in Years 7, 8 and 9 are expected to spend a minimum of 3 hours a day learning remotely. To aid their planning we have provided a draft timetable (see below). Teachers will assign tasks on Show My Homework.

    Pupils in Years 10 and 11 are expected to spend a minimum of 4 hours a day learning remotely and again we have provided a draft timetable (see below). They will also be assigned tasks through Show My Homework and some may be invited to join virtual classrooms.
  2. Easter Holiday, Monday 6 April to Friday 17 April.
  3. After the Easter Holiday, from Monday 20 April 2020, we are planning to increase the number of virtual lessons. We are currently working with our teachers to ensure we can achieve a smooth transition to new ways of learning, initially in Key Stage 4. Pupils should be aware that there will be a new timetable and the need to log on and join a lesson.

It was with very heavy hearts that we listened to the Prime Minister’s announcements on Wednesday 18 March 2020 as we had not anticipated their decision not to go ahead with assessments or exams in May and June.

We share our pupils’ sense of shock and staff across the school are astounded. We are all concerned to reassure our pupils, especially those in Year 11, that the learning they have undertaken and the good progress they have made has been worthwhile and will stand them in good stead as they prepare for the next stage in their education. It is important that they continue to engage in learning with us and that we all work together to nurture their curiosity and help them broaden their knowledge and understanding of the world around us. We hope they will make these exceptional circumstances their opportunity to shine!

Unfortunately, at this stage we are unable to advise pupils in Year 11 how their achievements will be recognised as we have yet to receive information on how the government will ‘ensure children get the qualifications they need.’ As you will appreciate things are moving very fast and, as soon as we know, we will endeavour to pass this information on. In the interim, as grades may be based on teacher assessments, we encourage all pupils to actively engage in the activities their subject teachers will be setting over the remainder of Year 11 and that they participate when invited to join virtual lessons!

We plan to reward our pupils’ efforts with a special certificate on completion of Year 11. This will recognise their resilience and resourcefulness. Any pupils worried by the uncertainty and sudden change can talk to members of our Pastoral Team.

The Prime Minister also announced that some schools will remain open for children of key workers as well as those who are vulnerable or have Education, Health and Care Plans. The Corinium Education Trust, of which Deer Park is a member, is currently reviewing the provision we can make for these children and we will be advising parents of our plans accordingly as soon as we can.

Thank you again for your support and understanding.

Chiquita Henson