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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Sport Relief 2020

Raising awareness and fundraising for Sport Relief

Friday 13 March 2020 was the culmination of our PE Faculty's promotion of the national biennial charity fundraiser Sport Relief, which helps vulnerable people across the UK and the world.

Although the total is yet to be confirmed, we know that we have raised at least £1,200 through the sale of Non Uniform Day tickets, Sport Relief wristbands and pupils' cakes, and by running a Staff Sweepstake, breaktime Tug of War competitions and lunchtime and PE lesson Mile Runs. Our thanks to our pupils, staff and parents.

Pupil prizes

Best Dressed:
Summer and Lenny, both in 7FR

Mile Run:
Fastest KS3 Boy – Ben G (9TU) 5.17
Fastest KS3 Girl – Charlie A (7DO) 6.37
Fastest KS4 Boy – Kieran T (11DU) 5.09
Fastest KS4 Girl – Ailsa R (10TU) 5.41

Most Money Raised:
Year 8 Girls cake sale, closely followed by Year 7 cake sale – great effort of nearly £100 combined.

sport relief 2020

sport relief 2020

sport relief 2020

sport relief 2020

sport relief 2020

sport relief 2020

sport relief 2020

sport relief 2020

sport relief 2020

"Sport Relief was a blast! We had lots of fun as a team and have supported some amazing charities. The Mile Run was great as it got lots of people involved." Year 10 Games Captains

"Sport Relief was an amazing day where pupils of the school came together for fun and to raise money. Tug of War was a big hit with a massive crowd." Year 10 Games Captain

Mrs Bellamy, Assistant Head of PE: “A great effort from members of the Deer Park community who have done us proud. A special thank you to our Young Leaders and Games Captains who were outstanding helpers throughout the day. The PE highlight was the Tug of War and the dominance of the staff team over the Year 11 Boys!”