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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Year 11 Mock Interviews 2020

Making great first impressions

First impressions count and you only get one chance to make a first impression. Standing tall, smiling, making eye contact and using a firm handshake are all positive forms of non-verbal communication.

On Tuesday 14 and Wednesday 15 January 2020, our Year 11 pupils had the opportunity to rehearse important life skills as they each attended a Mock Interview with someone from the local community. Although they had prepared for the interviews beforehand, for many it was their first experience of having a structured discussion with someone they had not met previously. The opportunity to come in to school smartly dressed gave some a confidence boost and many provided excellent draft CVs to support their interview.  The feedback from our pupils and our guest interviewers has been really positive.

The two days were expertly planned and organised by Mrs Walford in our Administration Office and coordinated on the day by Mrs Burfoot, Senior Year Leader.This event only runs with the support from members of the wider community.  We are very grateful to our team of volunteer interviewers for giving up their time to support us and share their expertise with the pupils.

A massive thank you to everyone who helped and assisted Year 11 with their Mock Interviews. The two mornings were a massive success and our pupils made an excellent impression on the interviewers who were very complimentary about all of the year group.

Miss Brace, Assistant Head

year 11 mock interviews

year 11 mock interviews

Year 11 mock interviews

year 11 mock interviews

year 11 mock interviews

Year 11 mock interviews

Year 11 mock interviews

year 11 mock interviews

year 11 mock interviews

Year 11 mock interviews

Year 11 mock interviews

Year 11 mock interviews

“I always look forward to this event in the Year 11 school calendar as I love seeing how enthusiastic and ‘professional’ the pupils become, both in their preparation and during the interviews.  I was extremely proud of all of them and thrilled to hear them talk in such a bubbly and relieved way coming out of their interviews!" Mrs Burfoot, Senior Year Leader

That went so much better than I thought it would.  My interviewer was lovely and was really interested in what I had done.”

“I was really nervous and thought I would get it all wrong.  But it went well and I am more confident now”.

“It was great to be able to dress up – it made me feel more confident and professional”.


We should not underestimate the value of these mock interviews in helping our pupils shape their own futures. One parent told me this week how beneficial the experience was for her daughter when she went for her interview at one of her chosen sixth form providers. It gave her confidence to  respond to questions, draw information together and make relevant connections. Thank you to everyone involved.

Chiquita Henson, Headteacher