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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Song Release 2019

Release of pupil song 'Stronger'

‘Stronger’, the result of our Year 8 Songwriting Project, was officially released at the end of September 2019. This is the 3rd year that Deer Park pupils have been involved in creating an original song and this year's pupils (now in Year 9) recorded the video and audio at Postlip Hall in July 2019 with The Music Works 'Voice Collective' programme.


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The 10 week project sees pupils spending an hour a week working together to compose lyrics and music for their song. The process enabled 29 pupils to gain experience from professional songwriters and learn how to share ideas to piece a song together.

I have been very impressed by the powerful messages our pupils have chosen to convey in each of the songs they have crafted together and this year’s is no exception. These reflect our ethos. The project enables our pupils to work collaboratively and build on their initial ideas.  In addition to following the song writing process through to a full performance, our pupils are involved in every aspect of production and, as a result of their team work, they develop lasting friendships. I am grateful to Miss Faux for creating these opportunities.

Chiquita Henson, Headteacher

In light of this release, two participants were invited to discuss the song and project live on Radio Gloucestershire for BBC Music Day, on Thursday 26 September 2019. Holly and Jack spoke diligently and enthusiastically about their experience and how the project has given them a boost in confidence, both personally and musically. 

Holly: 'It was so exciting to be in the studios and on the radio. I really enjoyed it and loved that our song was being broadcast!'

Music Teacher, Miss Faux: 'I am very proud of the whole team who were involved in creating this song, and of Holly and Jack who spoke so confidently and naturally on the radio about the impact it has had on them. We look forward to future projects with The Music Works.'

radio gloucestershire september 2019

Parent: 'I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank all the music faculty for supporting the students with their songwriting project. Despite my son being anxious to have a solo part, I have just watched the video and am feeling very emotional and proud of him. Since starting at Deer Park his confidence has grown and he comes home most days with a positive attitude about school, and that's thanks to all the amazing staff.'

Read more about this and previous Songwriting Projects...