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Cirencester Deer Park School

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DofE Expedition 2019

The final frontier for DofE Bronze Award participants

52 of our Year 10 pupils undertook their final Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) Bronze Award Qualifying Expedition across the weekend of Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 September 2019. Ably supported by members of school staff, and guided by their No Limits Development instructors, the participants traversed the Wye Valley, enjoying the sunshine and marvelling at the views.

Our 8 groups coped admirably with the rising temperatures of the Saturday afternoon and all were safe in camp by 7.30pm that evening. The teams put in an even more impressive performance on the Sunday. Having learnt the navigational lessons of the previous day, the pupils showed real resolve and resilience, and all had successfully completed their routes by 3.45pm.

WELL DONE to all those who took part and a big thank you to Mr Green, Miss Ellison, Mr Carmichael and Mr Morgan for their invaluable support across the weekend!

Mr Reed, DofE Coordinator

DofE Bronze Award Expedition

DofE Bronze Award Expedition

DofE Bronze Award Expedition

"It was a really good experience. I learnt some essential life-skills, particularly the ability to map-read." Eleanor

DofE Bronze Award Expedition

DofE Bronze Award Expedition

DofE Bronze Award Expedition

"It was an amazing experience and I learnt a lot! I think the most important thing was that I do have the ability to persevere when things get tough!" James
'Hard work but worth it!' Jaden and Sam

I was delighted to learn of our pupils’ successful completion of the DofE Expedition and of the skills they have learnt through taking on personal and team challenges. I am grateful to those members of staff who support our DofE teams in their planning and gave up their weekend to marshal the event.

Chiquita Henson, Headteacher


Our participants need to ensure that they complete all elements and evidence on their eDofE account pertaining to their Physical, Skills and Volunteering sections. Their presentation evening will take place just before the Easter break, in April 2020.

We will be launching the DofE Bronze Award to Year 9 pupils just before half-term in October 2019.