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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Learning Conferences

Year 7 Learning Conference

On Thursday 12 September 2019, at the start of the school day, we welcomed our Year 7 pupils to their first Learning Conference.

Pupils sat at tables with other members of their tutor groups in the Main Hall, ready for a very different learning experience. At our interactive Learning Conference, Year 7s focused specifically on Maths and English, with sessions led by the Head of each Faculty, including what they will be covering this year and what it takes to succeed in these subjects. Pupils were also introduced to the Learning Power Approach and what it means to be a successful learner. Understanding the key learning skills Reciprocity, Resourcefulness, Reflectivity and Resilience (The 4 Rs) is of vital importance to unlock our pupils' potential and we hope that by being given these tools, these young people will excel at Deer Park and achieve successful outcomes.

year 7 learning conference

year 7 learning conference

year 7 learning conference

'The session was fun and interactive.' Lola

'It helped us understand what we will be doing in the future.' Ella

'Our Pupils were fully engaged in the activities and were able to take away useful ideas about how they can become better learners.' Mr Bellamy, Associate Assistant Head

Following the pupils' Learning Conference in the morning, we were really pleased to welcome our Year 7 parents to their Learning and Curriculum Conference that evening. This event gave us the opportunity to share the content their children had received earlier that day, enabling parents to follow up on the key messages at home over the coming days and weeks. In addition, we were able to share extra information, such as the nature of changes experienced in the brain in adolescents, the importance of excellent attendance and ‘Show My Homework’ and how parents can use this effectively to support their child’s learning beyond the classroom.

We hope that pupils and parents found the information useful. Parents who were unable to attend can find the presentation here:

At Deer Park we are always eager to work with our parents to support their child's learning and progress, and parents in Year 8 and Year 9 will also be invited to a Learning Conference this term:

  • Year 8 Learning Conference, Wednesday 16 October 2019 in the Main Hall
  • Year 9 Learning Conference, Wednesday 2 October 2019 in the Main Hall.

We very much hope that parents are able to attend our Learning Conferences as we will be sharing key messages about effective learning and information about the topics we cover. These evening sessions will complement the opportunities given to pupils in school. There will be time set aside time for discussion and questions. Look out for a letter which will come home prior to each event.