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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Open MorningS & Evening 2019

Upcoming Open Mornings and Open Evening in September 2019

Open Mornings
Monday 16 and Tuesday 17 September 2019
9.15am -11.15am

Open Evening
Wednesday 25 September 2019
6.30pm- 8.30pm

We are looking forward to welcoming prospective pupils and their parents to our September Open Mornings and our Open Evening. Everyone is welcome and there is no need to book to attend these events. There is so much to see, learn and experience here at Deer Park and our pupils' readiness to engage in our Open Evening reflects our ethos and showcases their excitement for the learning that takes place across the school.

Our Open Mornings (on Monday 16 and Tuesday 17 September) and our Open Evening (on Wednesday 25 September) will give you a valuable insight into the quality of education, teaching and learning at Deer Park and an opportunity to savour our special ethos that Ofsted reported 'pupils, parents and staff all subscribe to enthusiastically' (May 2017).

During both Open Mornings the school will be in 'normal session', but after a brief introduction at 9.15am, each family will have the opportunity to take a tour in the company of one of our current pupils who will share their experiences  of life and learning at Deer Park.

To complement our Open Mornings, at our Open Evening on Wednesday 25 September, there will be a wealth of practical, hands on learning experiences for your child to try and, while they are engaged in these exciting and challenging experiences, you will have the opportunity to talk to our Heads of Faculty, subject teachers and support staff to learn more about our curriculum, the challenges and support available.

We look forward to reflecting on your experience of Deer Park with you towards the end of our Open Evening. During our presentation at 7.45pm in the Main Hall, which closes the event to ensure you and your child have plenty of time to explore our school, we will share our ambition for our pupils.

While each event will be very pupil focused, members of the school's leadership team and other staff, including our Year 7 Year Leader, Mrs Hannis, will be on hand to respond to any questions  you may have regarding the transition to secondary school.

To further inform your planning and decision making, we encourage you look at our Latest News which highlights the breadth of our extended and extra-curriculum. We are immensely proud of the commitment of our staff to our pupils and their learning and our rich and diverse provision.

If for any reason you are unable to attend on the above dates, please do not hesitate to contact Allison Boucher, Head's PA, by email or phone on 01285 646558 to arrange an alternative mutually convenient tour of the school.  She will be happy to answer any questions you may have about the admissions' process.

We look forward to welcoming you to our School at one or more of our 'open' events, and look forward to your son or daughter joining Cirencester Deer Park School in September 2020.

enjoy the journey - open mornings and open evening