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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Air Tattoo

Science Trip to the Air Tattoo

On Friday 19 July 2019, we braved the rain to take 50 new Key Stage 4 Science pupils to the Royal International Air Tattoo at Fairford. The show was packed with fascinating stands and examples of Air and Space and the pupils were quick to get involved in the different activities in the Techno Zone.  There was just so much going on, from flying school AirBourne Aviation to astronaut Tim Peake and a huge range inbetween.  It was a thoroughly enjoyable and educational day.

air tattoo july 2019

air tattoo july 2019

Pupils commented: “It was so cool, I had so much fun,” and “I really enjoyed all the hands-on Science.”

air tattoo july 2019

air tattoo july 2019

“It is fascinating to learn about all the exciting things taking place in this field. I was particularly excited to see the prototype for the ExoMars Rover. The Planetarium experience on the first moon landing was dramatic and a personal highlight.”  Miss Brace


On Saturday 20 July 2019 a team of our (new) Year 10 pupils were in the Techno Zone taking part in the final of the Lockheed Martin Engineering Challenge, having successfully won our internal competition in May.

Breaking news: our team finished second of eight schools in Gloucestershire and Oxfordshire. Well done Alex, James, Ruth, Lydia and Felix!