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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Winning Chefs

Midcounties Winners!

create and cook competitionOur congratulations to new Year 9 pupils Leon and Deaken, Winners of the 2019 Midcounties Create & Cook Competition!


On Monday 1 July 2019 Deaken (8LI) and Leon (8JE) cooked with real passion, skill and enjoyment at Foodworks Cookery School, Cheltenham and were crowned winners! As a school we are so proud of our pupils' achievements, in whatever field inspires them, and we congratulate them and their teacher Miss Dearing for all their hard work. Leon and Deaken's parents also went beyond the call of duty, taking them to France and Wales to join the rest of their year group on Enrichment Week after their win!

photo credit: Create & Cook Competition 

Miss Dearing: "Leon and Deaken should be extremely proud of their accomplishments, becoming Midcounties winners of the Create & Cook competition. I too am very proud of what they have achieved. Although new to the teaching profession, I was amazed at the level of expertise and commitment the boys have shown over the last few months. They are chefs in the making!"

Read about Leon and Deaken's road to the final...