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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Summer Sports Roundup

Our PE Faculty review the Summer 2019 term of sport

It has been a busy term for Summer sport and we have been really pleased with the number of pupils attending clubs and practices and representing the school in a variety of sporting fixtures and competitions.

Our Summer season began with Deer Park hosting the District Athletics trials on Tuesday 7 May 2019, with 12 local secondary schools taking part. Congratulations to the athletes who finished in the top 2 positions of their event and made it onto the Stroud & Cotswold District team, which  competed at the Gloucestershire County Championships on 8 June. Read more...

Gloucestershire County Championships Results:

 Junior Team (Years 8 & 9)
Amelia H - 75m 2nd
Tyler J - Triple Jump 4th
Charlotte B  - Shot Put 5th
Hugo O - 100m 7th

Senior Team (Years 10 & 11)
Amber D - 300m 5th
Sam H  - 400m 1st
Sam H - Long Jump 3rd
Luke P - 1500m 1st


Games Captains 2019-2020

Games Captains are the best sports leaders, volunteers and coaches at Cirencester Deer Park School. Their role is to support and lead extracurricular clubs, help with fixtures and team organisation, and help complete general duties around the PE Faculty. We welcomed our new Year 10 Games Captains this term, following their letters of application. The new Games Captains are: Ailsa R, Eliza P, Ben G, Megan C, Wolfgang C, Alice B, Charlotte B, Keira J, Olli J, Lola M, James L, Jo K, Hugo O, Floss E, Alex V-C and Max C.


Young SPORTS Leaders 2019-2020

Our Young Sports Leaders help with all primary sports events held at Cirencester Deer Park School, including tag rugby, indoor athletics and cross country. Jobs roles include coaching, officiating and leading small groups for activities. Sports administration and writing reports are further key roles. During the course of year pupils develop key skills including communication, team work and leadership. This term we welcomed our new Year 9 Young Sports Leaders and these pupils were selected following their successful application:  Georgia B, Lily B,  Jack B, Rebecca B, Carys C, Beth C, Evie D, Oliver D, Katie E, Molly F, Fleur G, Joe G, Ben G, Laclan H, Tamsin H, Olivia KM, Hollie L, Coco P, Finley P, Charlotte S, Nina S, Sam S, Daisy T, Freya W, Grace W, Riley W and Isla C.



The Rounders season was hit hard by poor weather and a number of games were cancelled. The Year 7 and Year 8 Rounders teams won their District Tournament, which meant they were due compete at the County Finals at Hartbury. Unfortunately, the County Finals event was also cancelled due to poor weather but congratulations to both teams for getting through.



Like the Rounders, the Cricket season was hit hard by poor weather. Congratulations to all pupils who trained and participated in the fixtures.



A number of inter-school games were played this season and Mr Schlaefli was pleased with the numbers at training. Special mention to the Year 7 Girls team who won 8-2 against TK.



On Wednesday 5 June, our Year 7 and Year 8 (new Year 8 and new Year 9) athletes travelled to TK for a District Athletics event. Both our Year 7 Boys and Year 8 Boys Athletics teams finished as District Champions - fabulous news! The Girls teams also did really well, with our Year 7 Girls finishing 2nd and Year 8 Girls finishing 6th. Congratulations to all! Read more...

Our PE Faculty are very proud of the athletics team (67 pupils) they took to the Prince of Wales Stadium in Cheltenham on Tuesday 25 June for the District Athletics Competition. We had lots of individual and team successes. Well done to all our athletes, in particular our Year 7 Girls and Year 7 Boys teams, who came first, and our Year 9 Girls and Year 8 Boys who finished 2nd and 3rd respectively! Despite the inclement weather, the attitude and performances of the Deer Park team members were superb. Results were as follows:

YEAR 7 GIRLS Team: 1st
Amber F 3rd
Shot Antonia F 3rd
Javelin Rose M 3rd
Discus Eliza D 1st
Relay Team 2nd

YEAR 8 GIRLS Team: 5th
Daisy T 3rd
High Jump Daisy T 3rd

YEAR 9 GIRLS Team: 2nd
Charlotte B 1st
Shot Charlotte B 2nd
High Jump Ruth A 2nd
Long Jump Amelia H 1st

YEAR 10 GIRLS Team: 5th
Amber D 3rd
Javelin Gaby R 1st
Long Jump Amiee R 1st
Relay Team 3rd

YEAR 7 BOYS Team: 1st
William D 3rd 
800m James B 1st
200m James B 1st
High Jump Sam K 3rd
Long Jump William D 2nd
Relay Team 1st

YEAR 8 BOYS Team: 3rd
Arthur M 3rd
200m Arthur M 2nd
Long Jump Charlie R  3rd
Triple Jump Ollie D 3rd

YEAR 9 BOYS Team: 5th
Wolfie C 2nd
Javelin Max C 2nd
Shot Put Wolfie C 2nd
Triple Jump Teo R 1st

YEAR 10 BOYS Team: 9th


National School Sport Week

Week commencing Monday 24 June 2019 was National School Sport Week, focusing on showing how PE and sport have an essential role in every young person's development. We all know that physical activity can positively affect mental wellbeing, as well having a positive impact on our physical selves.

In addition to the Inter Tutor Group Tennis Tournament and the Inter Tutor Group Rounders Tournament, we had a number of external providers in school. Thanks to funding from The Friends of Deer Park and the generosity of local sports providers, our pupils had the opportunity to try different sports in their PE lessons during the week. Your child may have the opportunity to play Handball, do Judo or Taekwondo, work with a Personal Trainer, or be coached in Football or Table Tennis. Anything that encourages young people to continue existing or take up new sport should definitely be celebrated!

nssw 2019

nssw 2019

nssw 2019

nssw 2019

nssw 2019

​  nssw 2019

nssw 2019 rounders



PE Teacher Mr Cumming  is our Primary Schools Sports Coordinator and many primary school pupils and teachers have had the opportunity to work with him throughout this school year. He is supported at a wide variety of sports events by our Young Sports Leaders. You can read the two latest reports below:



The weather on Wednesday 10 July was perfect for Sports Day, a light breeze and slightly overcast. A whole school event like this requires a great deal of organisation and effort across the school and we would like to thank everyone involved, staff and pupils, especially the PE Faculty and our Young Sports Leaders and Games Captains. A special thank you to the Groundsman, Maintenance Staff, Announcers and Tech Team too, who ensured that the event went without a hitch. A number of records were broken:


Triple Jump: 10.41m (was 10.40m)
New Year 9 Tobias

800m: 2.30.75 (was 2.32.20)
New Year 8 James

Long Jump: 4.75m (was 4.70m)
New Year 8 William


Javelin: 23.42m (was 23.25m)
New Year 11 Gaby

Shot Put: 8.35m (was 8.33.m)
New Year 11 Tara

300m: 42.93 (was 44.41)
New Year 10 Wolfie

sports day 2019

sports day 2019

sports day 2019

sports day 2019

sports day 2019

sports day 2019

sports day 2019

sports day 2019

sports day 2019

sports day 2019

Towards the end of term we held our sports assemblies, acknowledging the achievements and commitment  of our pupils in the various summer sports. Congratulations to all pupils who were presented with a school colour or an award.

We hope you have a lovely summer and enjoy the break, ready for sport in the Autumn term.