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Cirencester Deer Park School

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hot weather

Non uniform for last day of term

Monday 22 July 2019: Following a preview of the weather over the next 24 hours, and careful consideration of staff and pupils' health and wellbeing, we have taken the decision to make the last day of term, Tuesday 23 July 2019, a non uniform day. This will allow pupils and staff to dress comfortably for the forecasted very hot weather. 

Aims for the last day of term:

  • To continue with learning and enjoy the last day of term
  • To ensure the school is a safe and secure environment for all pupils and staff throughout the day.


  • Bring water to school and drink regularly throughout the day
  • Wear sun screen at break and lunchtime
  • Remember that the last day of term is a school working day and behaviour expectations remain as per a normal school day
  • Wear clothes that are appropriate for school, eg smart shorts, t-shirts or light weight shirts.


  • Throw water around or make yourself or others wet
  • Wear clothes that are inappropriate for school, e.g. no 'hot pants' style shorts and no tops that reveal midriffs or shoulders.


We look forward to celebrating the end of the school year at our 'Party in the Park' after lunch, when pupils and staff will be performing for the rest of the school. Historically we gathered the whole school (pupils and staff) outside of the Expressive Arts Faculty after lunch to celebrate, with music and song, the end of the traditional academic year. Over the past few years however, Party in the Park has taken place in the Hall (with two sessions: new Year 8/9 and new Year 10/11), but is still referred to as Party in the Park as we are Deer Park.

There will be performances from a variety of individual and group acts, including this year's (new) Year 9 Songwriting Project team (who recorded their song yesterday), a musical number from the cast of Grease, (new) Year 11 DJ Dan and, of course, the Staff Band! This event is a great opportunity for our pupils to perform and support each other and it is a lovely way to bring everyone in school together to celebrate the year just gone and the upcoming summer holiday.