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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Songwriting Project 2019

Completion of songwriting project

July 2019 and 29 (new) Year 9 participants completed the third Deer Park Songwriting Project in conjunction with The Music Works 'Voice Collective' programme.

the music worksOur pupils spent 10 weeks with Ben O'Sullivan from The Music Works, plus Hamish and Beth from their Upsurge programme for upcoming artists, composing lyrics, melodies and structuring their song, leading up to a final recording day on Thursday 11 July 2019.

The team went to Postlip Hall, Winchcombe and had a jam-packed day, recording the video and audio for their song, and spent some of the day writing a final section. Dario, Jack, Holly and Lowri also recorded solos for different sections of the song, alongside Sean who is featured as a pianist on the track.

We look forward to seeing the group perform their song live at Party in the Park on the last day of term, Tuesday 23 July. Stronger’ is a powerful song with a gospel-style chorus, moments of counterpoint and many catchy melodies – maybe our strongest song yet. Look out for the release, which is likely to be in the Autumn term.

songwriting project 2019

songwriting project 2019

Music Teacher Miss Faux: "As a music teacher, this is the 4th songwriting project like this that I have been involved with and it was possibly the most inspiring one. Pupils have been so passionate and engaged through the whole process and have gelled as a team to produce this great song. It has given experienced and less experienced singers and performers the opportunity to develop and build their vocal and musical skills."

Lowri: "This was a completely new experience for me, especially professionally recording as a group and as a soloist. It was so much fun."

Lucy: "We have produced an amazing song and I am really proud of what we have achieved. The whole project was really fun."

Previous Songwriting Projects: