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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Year 9 Celebration

Key Stage 3 Celebration of Achievement Evening, May 2019

Each May we take the opportunity to celebrate our Year 9s at their Key Stage 3 Celebration of Achievement Evening. This event marks the closure of their time in Key Stage 3, before they move up into Key Stage 4 and embark on their GCSEs at the beginning of June after the half term break. We were pleased to see so many parents and pupils on Thursday 9 May 2019 in the Main Hall. 

This year around 80% of the year group were nominated in the Faculty awards and a number of additional pupils received recognition for their contributions to the wider school community, such as Young Sports Leaders and Inspire to Achieve Ambassadors. Mr Bellamy, Pastoral Team Leader, said to the pupils that being nominated for a Faculty award is amazing as this recognises pupils in the top 4% for Attainment, Effort or Improvement. We thank our three Year 9 musicians who gave such a stunning performance.

There were awards for 100% Attendance and never before have so many pupils been recognised. In addition, three pupils - Tom D (9FR), Ben G (9NI) and Lola M (9TU) - were recognised for their outstanding 100% attendance over their first three years at Deer Park. The Head Teacher's Award went to Dimas F (9DU) and Isabell L (9NI) for their outstanding contribution to school as well as their academic achievement.

This year's guest speaker was former pupil and international para archer Phoebe Pine. Overcoming numerous obstacles, Phoebe has held UK, European and World Records and is aiming for Tokyo 2020. She is certainly an inspiration for our young people. Her key messages included:

  • Resilience is key to success
  • If you make mistakes, learn from them
  • Focus in class and study with the time you have available
  • It is important to do what you enjoy.

y9 celebration of achievement evening may 2019


y9 celebration of achievement evening may 2019

Year Leader Mrs Stubbs commented: "Thank you to those parents and pupils who attended our KS3 Celebration of Achievement Evening.  There was so much to enjoy, with past achievements acknowledged and motivation for the future inspired by Phoebe Pine, who shared her journey since leaving Deer Park. Whilst it is impossible for everyone to be the best, what is possible is for everyone to do their best." 

Our Key Stage 3 Celebration of Achievement marks an important milestone in our annual calendar. It is always a privilege to congratulate our pupils on their progress and attainment. This year was no exception. All nominated pupils have shown commitment to and pride in their learning. I wish all Year 9 pupils every success as they prepare to make the transition into Year 10. I believe they will rise to the challenges ahead!

Chiquita Henson, Headteacher

y9 celebration of achievement evening may 2019