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Cirencester Deer Park School

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New Primary School Consultation

Consultation on proposed new primary school

As you are aware The Corinium Education Trust, of which Cirencester Deer Park School is a member, is currently consulting with members of the wider community about the provision of a new primary school for Cirencester on the proposed Chesterton Farm housing development. Our aim is for the proposed new school to become the beating heart of the new residential area.

We are very grateful to those of you who have already contributed to our survey or attended one of our consultation events. At the time of writing 118 people have responded to our online survey and 95% of respondents fully support The Corinium Education Trust’s intention to apply to open the proposed new primary school. They recognise we are a local multi-academy trust and that across our four schools there is a range of relevant experience and expertise.


CET consultation


Furthermore, people who have responded have given The Corinium Education Trust a clear steer regarding what they would like to see the new school offer both to the children and the wider community and their expectations chime with our vision and values. We will be incorporating many of these ideas into our application. These will ensure the proposed new primary school is fully inclusive and child-centred, has a rich and dynamic curriculum and provides high quality teaching and wrap-around care.

‘It has been especially helpful to consult with parents and other members of our community in Cirencester. I welcomed the opportunity to meet and talk with local representatives at our consultation events in April, share our plans, respond to concerns and listen to ideas. We are very excited by the opportunity this application presents both to The Corinium Education Trust and families in Cirencester.’ Chiquita Henson, CEO, The Corinium Education Trust  and Headteacher, Cirencester Deer Park School.

For more information and to contribute to our consultation by completing our survey, please visit The Corinium Education Trust website.

corinium education trust