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Cirencester Deer Park School

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DofE Award Ceremony

Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) Bronze Award Presentations

DofE Duke of Edinburgh AwardOn Wednesday 24 April 2019, we celebrated 50 Year 10 DofE participants completing their Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) Bronze Award at our Presentations Evening. Pupils were able to share their success with friends and family, whilst hearing from Rich Whincup, our guest speaker and DofE Ambassador, who congratulated them on their achievements, whilst championing, not only the merits of the programme, but more pertinently, the manner in which our pupils had pushed themselves well beyond the boundaries of their comfort zone.

bronze awardMonty indulged the audience with a candid participant’s account of the trials and tribulations of pursuing the award, whilst Mr Reed commended the resilience shown from pupils in completing their Skill, Physical and Volunteering elements, and more specifically, surviving the scorching temperatures of the training expedition during Enrichment Week and the monsoon conditions of the final qualifying Expedition in September.

DofE bronze award evening

DofE bronze award evening

Our participants should be extremely proud of what they have achieved and, as they move through their lives, should always remember the skills, qualities and resilience developed through the programme.

Evie: "The DofE experience has helped me realise that I am capable of doing things I never thought I could. I really enjoyed the Expedition weekend too and it brought me closer to my friends."

"The DofE is all about going the extra mile – gaining new skills, pushing yourself physically, helping others and exploring new territories. At the same time, you’ll gather friendships, experiences and memories that will last a lifetime."

It was wonderful to see our pupils receive their Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Awards. The young people involved had clearly shown the resilience and determination needed to complete the challenge they set themselves to achieve this award. In the best traditions of Deer Park, they truly made the challenge the opportunity. The impact of teachers, parents and pupils all working together towards a common aim was powerfully on show and, throughout the evening, there was an obvious and deserved pride in the young people from all concerned.

Mr Johnson, Head of School

53 Year 9 pupils have signed up for their Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award and we look forward to following their journeys as they move out of their comfort zone, push themselves and have amazing new experiences, whilst building resilience, confidence, skills and friendships.