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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Internet Safety

In addition to using the Internet for education, many of our young people also play games, socialise and invest a lot of their personality in the ever changing online world.

At school we endeavour to provide pupils with the skills to safely navigate in the online world. In order to help parents understand ways in which they can provide the same support at home we are hosting an Internet Safety Parents’ Evening on Thursday 7 July at 7pm in the Main Hall. The evening will be an engaging session of 90 minutes run by an expert from The South West Grid for Learning (SWGfL), part of the wider UK Safer Internet Centre, and is organised by South Cotswold Schools' Partnership for local primary schools.  Parents of our Key Stage 3 pupils are welcome to attend if interested. To help us plan we would appreciate you letting us know if you are planning to attend this event. Please email us, by Wednesday 22 June, letting us know your child's name, their tutor group and the number of people attending. 

What are Snapchat, Instagram, Omegele and Vine? What are the pluses and minuses? What about Apps? Do I need to monitor them? Is filtering or monitoring what my children do always a good idea? At what age do I buy them a mobile phone? Why is GTA5 not a game for young children? These are amongst some of the questions raised by parents and answered by our experts in the 7 years the SWGfL have carried out Parents Evenings.

Come and find out why dialogue is such a powerful tool. How filtering may work, how research is showing changes in use and types of use of technology by children. Discover easy to use built in tools like age and time restrictors in gaming platforms like your Xbox. How to apply Google filters on Google images, filters on YouTube and other practical quick tips. You protect your child in the offline world - now SWGfL can help you do the same online!