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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Youth Market 2019

Young entrepreneurs in Cirencester

On Wednesday 20 March 2019, pupils and staff from Cirencester Deer Park School enjoyed the sunny and bright March weather to take part in the annual Cirencester Youth Market in the centre of town. This community event, organised by the E4 Group with Cirencester Town Council, is designed to support and promote young enterprise and entrepreneurship.

We built on our Youth Market success of 2017 and 2018 and, as last year, had two stalls side by side. The Deer Park Designers, organised by our SEN Learning Leader Mrs Ireland, returned with their upcycled craft ideas. They were joined on a second stall by a group of our Year 10 Ghana 2019 pupils who were raising money for their volunteer trip to Ghana with African Adventures

youth market 2019

"I loved selling things to people. " Year 7 pupil 

youth market 2019

"That was cool – great fun."  Year 7 pupil

"It was nice to be able talk to people about the Ghana project.  Everyone was so supportive and loved the idea." Year 10 pupil

Again this year, the Youth Market was treated to an array of musical talent from young people representing local schools and colleges, including Deer Park pupils at lunchtime.  They demonstrated their hard work and expertise to the lunchtime crowds under the guidance of Music Teacher Mr Cook. See @CDPStoday for videos.

youth market 2019 music

youth market 2019 music

youth market 2019 music

“Yet again the Youth Market has been a fantastic success. Our pupils have been a credit to us and it has been a pleasure to work with a number of different staff on this project.  I am grateful to all involved for their energy and enthusiasm.”  Miss Brace, Assistant Head