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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Hockey Extravaganza!

Cirencester Deer Park School has hosted two Hockey tournaments this term, for Primary and Secondary School pupils.

Key Stage 3 Hockey

On Tuesday 29 January 2019, we hosted our annual Key Stage 3 Inter Tutor Group Hockey Tournament. Mixed teams of pupils from Years 7, 8 and 9 were competing for their tutor group.  Pupils from our Key Stage 4 Girls Hockey team helped officiate the tournament,  working in conjunction with Mrs Hacker, Miss Smith and Mr Cumming, who managed one year group each.

inter tutor group hockey jan 19

inter tutor group hockey jan 19

inter tutor group hockey jan 19

inter tutor group hockey jan 19

Despite the challenging weather conditions (pouring rain and sleet), pupils demonstrated a superb attitude combined with admirable skills and techniques. A big congratulation must go to the following winners: 7JE, 8TU and 9NI. It was great to see good participation levels from pupils in Key Stage 3, showing a real commitment to extracurricular sport at Cirencester Deer Park School.

Ben in Year 9:  “It was very competitive, playing against our friends whilst enjoying ourselves.”

Mr Cumming (PE Teacher): “It was great to see so many pupils with smiling faces enjoying playing hockey on our superb Astroturf facilities and long may this continue!! A big thank you must also go to the pupils from the Under 16 hockey team who officiated to a high standard, combined with excellent organisational skills from Mrs Hacker and Miss Smith.”

The next Inter Tutor Group Tournament is (mixed) Football, which will take place after school on Tuesday 26 March 2019.



Primary School Hockey

On Monday 4 February 2019, Cirencester Deer Park hosted its second tournament of the term: the School Games Cotswold District Primary QuickSticks Final. This involved schools from the Cotswold District including: Bourton, Cirencester, Fairford, St Andrews (Chedworth), Bledingdon, Hatherop, Stratton, Sherborne, Powell’s (Cirencester) and St Catherine's (Chipping Campden) primary schools. Schools were split into two tournaments based on ability, allowing pupils to enjoy playing hockey in an appropriate environment.

school games primary hockey february 2019

school games primary hockey february 2019

Eighteen superb Year 9 Young Sports Leaders from Deer Park helped manage and lead the event. This include the following job roles: officiating and result recording. The Young Sports Leaders demonstrated excellent attitudes and officiated to an admirable standard in order to allow the tournament to run smoothly.

Year 9 Young Sports Leader Lydia said “It was fun and good to learn new skills and how to umpire hockey games.”

“It is fantastic to see so many pupils from so many different schools enjoying the facility and playing hockey.” Helen Pauling, School Games Organiser

Dale, a teacher from Bledingdon School, commented “The children have really enjoyed using the new facility and using actual hockey goals for the first time.”

“I enjoyed playing other schools and having fun!” Luke, a pupil from Stratton School

Our next Primary Sport event is Cross Country on Tuesday 26 February, 4.15-5.30pm.