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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Maths Faculty in Focus

Maths Faculty in Focus during January 2019

During three weeks of January 2019 our Maths Faculty has been focusing on the topic of Time.

It began with pupils across all year groups having the opportunity to win prizes with daily time-themed puzzles during their tutor time. Well done to 9LI who submitted correct entries every day to win the overall prize for the week.

However, it was not just the pupils who were fighting it out for prizes! The following week saw the Deer Park staff testing their Maths skills when they had to research time-related facts and use them to complete some tough mathematical calculations. Miss Bluett in Humanities took home the first prize of a perpetual calendar and some ‘After Eight’ mints for her accurate research, correct calculations and detailed workings out.

"I really enjoyed doing the daily Maths puzzles – although challenging, it was great fun to work with my friends and win prizes." Floss (Year 9)

"It was really interesting and fun to do and got us working together as a team." 9LI

"We did it every day (apart from assembly day) and got most of them right. It was challenging but we enjoyed it." 7NI

"What a brilliant quiz it was, involving just about every area of the curriculum. Thank you!" Mrs Ford-Price

Alongside the staff competition in the second week, all pupils experienced a time-themed Maths lesson. Activities included telling the story of ‘A day in the life of’, making schedules for interviewers or taxi drivers and competing to see how far pupils could travel away from Cirencester Deer Park School in 1 hour.

maths faculty in focus year 7

maths faculty in focus year 7

Some of our Year 10s commented:

"I found the lesson challenging, but it was fun to do and showed us skills that may be needed in the future." Fran

"Having Maths Faculty in Focus lessons make a fun educational change from having a normal lesson. I loved the scenario we were given and it made the lesson a fun way to look at Maths." Jenna

"I found the Maths in Focus lesson very fun, it was good practice of working in a team and combining ideas." Aimee

maths faculty in focus year 10

maths faculty in focus year 10

maths faculty in focus year 10

maths faculty in focus year 10

In the third and final week pupils had a time-themed assembly delivered by Mr Ellen, which included finding out about the history of standardised time, thinking about pupils’ current timetables and schedules and exploring how the decisions the pupils make now will shape their future.