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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Year 11 Leavers

Today, Friday 27 May, the end of our academic year, we say goodbye to our Year 11s as they head off on Study Leave. After their English Literature exam this morning, a Leavers' Lunch and shirt signing, we celebrated our Year 11 pupils' time at Deer Park with a special Leavers' Assembly. We wish them good luck with the rest of their exams and remind them to maintain their hard work all the way through to the end.

It has been a pleasure to get to know you over the past 5 years. You have seized every challenge and brought the positive to all situations. You have definitely left your mark on Deer Park. I wish you all the best of luck in your futures, but remember that mathematically it is your attitude that counts. 

Miss Brace, Head of Key Stage 4

leavers day may 2016

leavers day may 2016

leavers day may 2016

From the official start of Study Leave on Monday 6 June, Year 11 pupils will not be required to wear school uniform when in school, although they are reminded that their choice of clothing should be appropriate for the school environment.

Following yesterday's GCSE Maths Non-Calculator paper, we have created a 'best guess' list of topics regarding the Calculator paper which pupils will sit on Thursday 9 June. Pupils will be bringing this list home and there is a copy on our Letters page in case if it is mislaid on the way home.

After 5 years of hard-work, commitment and endeavour, it is difficult to believe that Friday 27th May will be the last day at Cirencester Deer Park School for our current Year 11s. For me personally it represents the end of an era, as both the pupils and myself began our careers at CDPS on the very same day back in September 2011. During your time here you will have forged friendships that will last a lifetime and have learned life-lessons which will prove invaluable as you make your way in the world. The last few weeks and months have been packed with revision, preparation and, ultimately, completion of your final GCSE exams and the sharpening of focus from all of you has been tangible. Maintain this mind-set right through until your final exam and I’m confident that your application will be rewarded. The Key Stage 4 team really hope you enjoy your final day on Friday and wish you all the very best of luck for the future!

Mr Reed, Assistant Head of Key Stage 4

The Leavers' Ball on Friday 1 July is the opportunity for our Year 11 pupils’ to let their hair down (or have an updo) and celebrate their time at Deer Park with friends and we look forward to seeing them looking truely amazing. Any pupil who has not yet bought a Ball ticket (£22) is reminded that tickets can be purchased via WisePay or take cash/cheque to the Finance Office.  Once purchased, tickets can be collected from the Admin Office. Please note that tickets will not be available on the night. Guidelines for the evening are on our Letters page.